
A big part of Game of Thrones is revealing how much genetics and a lack of knowdege about history causes people — who we expect to be smarter — to make the same avoidable mistakes over and over again. They still think their main rivals are the other families, yet every major family has had a family member kill their

Euron's fate was sealed the when he forgot to tell someone to keep an eye on his niece and nephew while he was being drowned, and let them steal his best ships. Dany will just take Euron's whole fleet and feed him to her dragon, driftwood crown and all.

Poor Hodor
Held the door
Now poor Hodor
Is no more

After a rough season even by SNL standards, with a few memorable shows to keep people watching from beginning to end (especially Arianna Grande's terrific hosting job and Elizabeth Banks game performance) this was a great way to go out. The Mr. Bunting sketch will go down as an all time classic (alongside the

The Waif is going down, Arya has had just about enough of that skinny blonde chick's BS, and Rickon is RickGone, as if we need one more reason to hate Ramsey before he's fed to the dogs.

$49 that Rickon is RickGone after this week, followed by Ramsey being fed to the dogs.

So what are the chances that when they finally pull off FrankenMountains helmet they will find out that Joffrey's head is attached to his body?

The Sparrow told Tommen about Margery's impending walk of shame. Tommen then told Cersei off camera, which is why the Small Council is planning to use the Tyrell's army to stop it from happening

$10 on No One on this list
$100 on a whole bunch of flame-broiled Dothrakis

I'm betting a whole bunch of Dothrakis get flame broiled.

You've obviously never met a well-hung man.

That's your opinion.

I'm betting that both Allison Thorne and Olly are gone. Gotta give it to Game of Thrones for getting millions of people to cheer for the death of a young boy just a week after Ramsey's dogs killed Walda and her baby boy. Savages.

Jon's not dead Snow more

I'd say Roose Bolton has a big target on his back, along with his wife Walda and their unborn baby. If Ramsay would feed Myranda's body to the hounds, he will do anything not to lose power.

Jon Snow is dead, and if he comes back as Jon Snow that will just make the show a parody of itself. If, however, he comes back as someone else, then it won't be a resurrection as many are predicting, but a transformation, and the beginning of potentially great storyline.

Of course it's not a literal or intentional reference by Hilly, it's a throwaway line by the writers trying to be ironic or cute. Just another example of the ridiculous way this show was crafted. The finale's ratings were also cringeworthy. actually down 17% in the 18-49 demo vs the previous week, with total viewers

"They're a buck apiece." It was a ham-handed Buck Rogers reference. There's even a reaction shot with a zoom in on Richie's face. Cringe. Worthy.

The cringeworthy moments just keep coming: One of Richie Finestra's biggest Forest Gump moments of the season comes at the end of Alibi when he's sitting at the bar and Hilly Kristal tells him he's just come up with a great new name for the bar: yup, it's CBGB. Cue the needle scratching the record sound effect. But

Here's a real-life Forest Gump/Six Degress of Kevin Bacon moment for you: James Jagger, the lead singer of the Nasty Bits on the worst TV show I have seen this year, is the son of Jerry Hall, who just married Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox News, the same Fox News which employs Mark Furhman as their forensic expert, the