
Tom will be prowling for bears at new Yorks hottest gay bars tonight. For journalism...

Does watching child porn count as reading because then Billy Haisley is an avid reader ?

Who is gayer : Tom Ley or Billy Haisley ?

Tom Ley will certainly prowling for bears in the east village tonight for journalistic reasons of course.

Why are black people so terrible ?

Black people are just awful.

The world isn't all about you and your agenda. There are people who don't think about Diana Moskovitz everyday.

Diana portraying blacks as victims of rape. That's fucking dense.

Hoping it's a white dude and he's dead

A Gawker Brand Book would help me understand.

Trigger warning. I hate white on white highlights.

The draft is like the nba all star game. You're going to get a million niggers destroying the city

Guilty until proven innocent.

No one has called you because you have no talent, or journalistic integrity. No one respects you.