Man who would hate Obama so much to put him on the hornets? What’s next Biden on the Sixers? YOU SICK FUCKS!
Man who would hate Obama so much to put him on the hornets? What’s next Biden on the Sixers? YOU SICK FUCKS!
It’s about fucking time we started getting petty. If trump were a dem the repubs would have demanded milanias papers wayyyyyy long ago.
She’s literally a foreigner, genius. We didn’t like it when they did it to Obama because he literally was not a foreigner. In order to be in this country she would have to have followed certain legal processes that wouldn’t have applied to Obama, and her husband is insisting on holding others to those processes with…
They spent 8 years dragging Hillary (plus an additional 17 for fun). They dragged Michelle for her 8, too. They can GTFO my face with the faux outrage.
Finally! I’m sick of going high - about time some Dems pull some ridiculous and dirty moves! I might not even care so much but that video of Melania explaining to Joy Behar that Obama’s birth certificate isn’t valid tipped me over the edge.
I’d love to agree with it not being worth it to lose the moral higher ground. But a lot of good that policy has done us so far! Desperate times call for desperate measures, you know? It seems we will have to forfeit the high ground and get down in the mud with them. Meet them where they are. It’s all they understand,…
Are diamonds a carb?
It’s about fucking time the Democrats started playing dirty.
Gamestop will offer him about 12 bucks for all that.
Yep. Classified, Schmassified. Hillary, Manning, Snowden. They all broke laws regarding handling of classified information without consequences.
I’m sure the RNC has the BEST people handling their Cyber. Hell, just last week they installed AVG Anti-Virus so they know it’s secure (and free...saving money!). Those pesky maybe Russian hackers will never be able to hack them now!
Two and a half months between election and inauguration should give IT time enough to get something done, one would think.
So when you are closely associated with an organization (the GOP) or an individual (Trump) who is it that helps you sleep at night?
Trump supporters don’t know what irony means. They think it means if something taste metallic.
I am afraid, I’ll pop a blood vessel if I keep following all the developments surrounding King Louie. It seems like everyday there is something to be afraid of or be angry at.