I Met Him At The Candy Store

I think it's kind of despicable that Britney became a pop star doing precisely what the business directed her to do, and the populace consistently acted like she took a dump on the American flag. I don't think she's a good singer. She's a good entertainer, and her music is a delicious pop confection.

Grossssss!! Hair and food don't mix! Ever.

Was she not already in the hospital? Where do people have surgery these days?

Derry: not just famous for Nadine Coyle's accent anymore!


The main reason that the Madonna-Britney kiss was such a huge deal was that they were both megastars in their own right. Anyone of lesser star power who reenacts it just looks like they're grasping for attention, and anyone equally huge would feel it had been done and would choose some other stunt. Sit down, Rita.

They're probably a lil' salty at the fact that Beyoncé hasn't shown up to a BET event since she was in Destiny's Child.

I swear! BET ain't shit. Anti-blackness for days and to take a swing at a baby. Really? I'm sorry that Blue isn't the right type of black for a famous couple. She's adorable and her hair is lovely.

Ha woah! Well Japan is much more interesting than here!

Is it hard being so angry and spiteful all the time?

yo is it okay if i exist on the grassy area surrounding your house or would you prefer i vacate it?

In another thread, there was a moron named SmugHarbor that inferred that any woman of a size two or lower, was basically a child. Not a real woman, only somebody that pedophiles would be interested in.

I can advice everyone not to scroll down until a certain situation has been resolved.

WITCH HUNT!! CENSORSHIP!! INQIOSITION!!! his Holiness the Pope of Atheist must not be disagreed with!

Well the sage Richard Dawkins would ask, was the pedophile mild?

Someone I didn't know well once asked me how often I had sex with my husband, and I said, "All the time! We're having sex right now, in fact."

Agreed. Either she's being self-deprecating about what her sex life is like with young kids, or she's joking because their questions are none of her business. She's celibate, all right. Celibate like a fox.

I can imagine it being said with heavy sarcasm.

Drugs, whimsy or "my hair is growing out really awkwardly, fuck, give me that flower thing"?