I Met Him At The Candy Store

I really like the dress, it looks stunning on her.

Who cares if she wants to wear white for a third time? Ladies can wear WHATEVER COLOR THEY WANT.

You guys are hittin' the haterade pretty hard. I bet they're having a fucking blast and if you don't think I'd fly out there to party with them with 30 seconds notice you're wrong.

I do not feel the rage that lots of people do when confronted with the Kardashians. I think this looks fun and glamorous, and I'd do the same if I had loads of sisters/money.

It's from the Right Said Fred "Thanks for the Mammaries" Collection. They sell jumpsuits, too.

This picture has sent me down a fantasy rabbit hole. If I had their money and was partying in Paris I would do it way better than them—I would look elegant as fuck.

Looks like something from the club scene in The Matrix.

The theme of Kim's bachelorette party was "Boobs." I appreciate her friends' commitment.

I agree with you - but if I spent that much money (which I'm guessing she did) to have boobs that look like that I'd want to get my money's worth and just flaunt them all the time too.

I actually looked at the additional Hollywood Life pictures to get a better sense of how bad it is. It looks like a sheer, sleeveless, tunic-length blouse over leather/pleather pants with a cropped jacket that flew open frequently. No bra or pasties underneath, just extremely spherical boobs. Combined with the Heidi

I think all those outfits are ridiculously hideous. But blonde girl is really pushing the envelope with hers.

Why? I have no understanding of this jealous rage shit. I would at worst roll my eyes.

Torrei has been going on major media outlets rehashing her split from Kevin Hart and the fact that he cheated and is with another woman now. Yes, cheating is bad, but she's obviously creating a storm to promote her show. He responded on twitter, didn't say anything out of line or offensive and Jezebel is criticizing

I will never understand why people post "Who is_____?" Rather than just fucking googling or why people think "I am not aware of this person" = "This person is not really famous or talented".

Ciara's been out of the public eye for a while but she's hardly a Z lister and neither is he.

Lol this sounds like something from white whine

Nice how many of the comments are making fun of a transwoman for having fake breasts. Like, what should she have instead that would be more palatable to you?

From what I've heard about Carmen's advanced tucking techniques, both might actually be the real deal. *might*

All of this Bey-Z drama has caused me to realize that I am way too invested in people whose music I don't care too much for, and whom I will never know personally.

This. I have female friends and they're usually my closest ones, but I tend to have more male friends and would really like to have more female ones. The fact of the matter is that at a certain point, people couple off and settle down and their friends become their partners and other couples. What's left for