I Met Him At The Candy Store

Sorry, I think my tone came across wrong - I didn't mean to be mocking or aggressive. I think it's just another thing where the original comment is a broad generalization that's generally meant to mean something more specific (ie: being a loner and not having female friends is one thing; being Not Like Those Other

I agree, that's certainly a NICER way of saying something similar - it becomes less finger pointing and more philosophical. It doesn't punish the woman with little to no friends (female or male) for whatever reason and instead, puts the onus on those that may actually be anti-woman. So maybe that's what Lawrence

I agree, and I also wish she would have said "I don't trust anyone who doesn't want any female friends." Ladies, have you ever met a guy who doesn't have/want any female friends? They are creeps who never laugh at your jokes.

ehh I think we've all met a girl who boasts about her lack of female friends because she's sooo much more chill than the rest of us dramatic bitches and is totally just "one of the boys."

Unrelated, but ugh. Her makeup artist broke a cardinal rule of makeup art-ing, which is that if the eyes are on the smaller side, you DO. NOT. EVER. do dark liner and shadow all around the eye. It closes them up. And especially with that swept-back hair - she needs something more defined happening with her brows, and

That saying always rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe because it was used against me at one point (at the time, I didn't have friends of any gender), but it just seems like a safe way to put a woman in her place under the guise of being supportive of women.

You know, the negative Bieber comments here just reveal that he can't do anything right right now. I don't have strong feelings about him one way or the other, and I thought he hit a reasonable balance. I mean, Rogen has made a whole bunch of negative comments about him lately and not even about a recent event. Good

She didn't just discover that racism exists. She just realized that even though she's in a position of privilege that she can't shove prejudice to someone else and make it "their problem". She's taking up the fight to help her fellow humans. That's something most white people decide at one point or another. Usually

yep, she expressed what most white people I know think. Its actually a huge step to accept that there is real, institutionalized racism/sexism/other-isms in this world.

I just can't get with this. If we're going to criticize people for seeing the light, why try to get them to see it in the first place?

I think it's difficult for most people to admit their ignorance the way that Kim Kardashian has with regard to racism. I don't understand the instinct to mock someone for this. Thinking that these issues are everyone else's problem is not actually that uncommon, especially for this generation. So good for her for

Disclaimer: I know next to nothing about Kim Kardashian, other than what I occasionally read here.

I always think of "lovely" as being a character assessment.

Uh...nope. It can also be genes. Like mine. I have a genetic disorder that makes it harder for me to gain weight. My sister does not have this disorder, but having high metabolisms run in our family. Do you have a source on thinness only being caused by undereating or "psychological issues?"

Exactly. Also I love the line "All while wearing a virginal white dress", just dripping with sarcasm. This article (Jezebel's, not Vanity Fair's) seems to portray Monica as the villain here.

Monica Lewinsky got a raw deal, but I will always find it tacky when someone feels the need to comment on the spouse of the person they had an affair with. I really don't care what the fuck she thinks about Hillary- would it have been completely impossible to dismiss the question? Or is that her money quote she had

"I, myself, deeply regret what happened between me and President Clinton. Let me say it again: I. Myself. Deeply. Regret. What. Happened"

Ha, sorry not a feminist nor do I give two fucks about it. As a WOC, feminism was and always will be a cause created by white women and benefits white women specifically. Humanist? Yea sure I'd identify with being a humanist. Not my fault. White feminists have long strived hard to ensure that feminism stays their

You forgot Angel Barta's "Every celebrity is controlled by Marc Jacobs who was my lover and has stolen my ideas" conspiracy. But I'm sure she'll pop up and remind you.

this is the most important photo of all time why is it not front and center