
She doesn’t sound outraged.

What kind of goalpost dance is this

Does anyone take them seriously?

Ok this is a bloody good change. ME2s “T&A” obsession is one of the cringiest parts of the whole thing. Miranda felt like she was created just for the trailer given the camera shots in many scenes of hers.

They need to start breeding chickens with extra sets of wings. Isn’t this why we have genetic engineering? C’mon scientists! Get working on this!

Trying to point out to the English that the days of Ireland meek following them around was like hitting your head into a brick wall. They just don’t get it.

I agree, and you’re right that what is considered appropriate and beneficial changes with each new generation.

You call it “literature and educational reading materials”. But people a century or two ago called it “worthless trash”.

The anti-media bias goes all the way back to the goddamn Greeks. No adult with any sense of history should be clinging to this.

There they go, walking down the hall like a bunch of zombies, heads buried in their devices.

As a mid-30s guy who played a lot of games, specifically Animal Crossing and its built in sense of virtual community, during all of this to keep sane and in touch with friends and family, this NYT article can kindly fuck off. I’ll keep sussing my 8-year-old nieces and nephews in Among Us from afar on a weekly basis (be

Considering a lot of consoles are purchased by parents for children on holidays and birthdays, I would not be surprised if this causes a lot of accidental purchases of the wrong console. For example, after the Wii U came out, my mother and my sister kept buying Wii U games for my nephew who only owned an original Wii,

I love love love them.

there won’t be an interruption to food/water and aid is not needed.

i worked a salad bar at a big boy’s when i was a kid. the #1 item was the “grecian bread”

I bet any centrist who’s anti-Karen also unironically tells progressives to “not let perfect be the enemy of good.”

So, is a grifter basically a con-artist or is it just an umbrella for other similar things? My brain isn’t registering the term properly for some reason. Or am I just overthinking it?

There are many many ways “to be” an American, but, Allison, you are who I think of when I think of “people who exemplify what the American experiment was supposed to look like.” Not to suggest that you are an anachronism or anything. Turning your back on Big Biz affords one some self-determinism, dignity and the

Death threats are not necessary. The chili will kill me first.

*inserts death threats because you cook the meat before browning onions and peppers*