
This is also available on GoG (for free) where you can just install it instead of faffing around with it.

Every female character in a video game is just “male character with tits,” while all male characters are distinct in their own special way.

Bully” hahahha Trans people literally kill themselves because of harassment and real bullying caused by people like JK Rowling but sure, this is “bullying”

Yeah, that last paragraph there is what we call feminism.

We need to stop focusing on the extremist of these groups, I’ve meet my share of extremely toxic masculine guys and some extremely toxic feminist.

...and if you think that bloddy *MONKEYS* look or act like Black Africans, ***YOU*** are the one who is racist.

I was thinking that Britain is the island with England, Scotland, etc. A Scottish guy I knew would get annoyed when people thought “British”meant “English”.  Not sure if that would change if Scotland breaks from the UK.

“I don’t think civility politics works when I’m engaging with people who don’t even view me as human,” she told the Washington Post earlier this year. “

“why would a company selling to an international audience and happy to take international dollars care about the international response to their product???”

I...hilariously have zero idea where they get or how they make that ice. That is an extraordinarily good question. It does seem suspiciously pellet-like, but a lot of those mom and pop places probably wouldn’t have the budget for a fancy ice machine.

Fuck off.

Sir, this is an Arbys

Why does everyone on the right act like ‘politics’ that remove human rights are not a big deal deserving of response from literally everyone? Rhetorical question, I know it is because you don’t care about the impact of Roe v. Wade because you have a penis.

Oh yeah, we’re making such hard fucking demands like, “Please sir, I’d like to be able to make my own choices about what I’m doing with my own body” and “Hey, maybe take a stand that wanting to murder people like us simply for living our lives is wrong” Such terrible things to demand of any company and any person.


The gaming industry and gaming community as a whole has always had issues with fully recognizing women and people across the LGBTQIA+ spectrum as human beings who deserve all of the respect and privileges afforded to cis-het men.

You don’t get to be neutral about when you think the basic right of bodily autonomy counts. Either you think a woman has the same rights as a corpse who hasn’t marked themselves as an organ donor, or you think the corpse should have more rights.

Yeah, conservatives can’t get it up if they don’t get to shit on poor people. It’s what they enjoy the most; conservatives truly believe that you don’t deserve any sort of decent life whatsoever if you don’t have the money to pay for things.

Fear not!  There’s no time pressure.  In fact, the game is all about giving you the freedom to do stuff when you want.  You can do as many or as few of the spirit-related quests as you want, and you can set your own sleep times (you can stay up for 22 hours from the moment you get up).  I think it should be a pretty

I suppose it’s like Peking duck, but Peking vs. Beijing didn’t come from colonization.  I’m surprised anyone outside of the Russian sphere would take issue with chicken Kyiv.