
Oh good, he managed to be casually antisemitic while decrying antisemitism.

Norm is and was a master comedian. 

He was a horrible man and I’m glad he’s dead. 

Any “here is a new security hole” article should be required to list what the attack vector is. Is it a malformed video file that triggers the memory overflow? Some internal web server that VLC runs in the background that you need access to the user’s LAN to be able to attack? (Hint: it’s a malformed video file)

I’ll take “guy who knows things” shtick over your “performative outrage” shtick any day of the week, thanks.  

Counterpoint: NDT has taught me many things, and Jack Crosbie has not enriched my life in literally any conceivable way.

Even when he looks like Zack Galifinakis in that shot, I’d go gay for Robert Redford.

Bless your heart.

OG AVClub reader here (predates Gawker by a decade), and they took a unique, fun website and online community and absolutely destroyed it, at least mostly by using this garbage Kinja bullshit.

That’s pretty unacceptable, dude.

I thought it was a decent article and I couldn’t care less whether or not you’re cynicism is honest. Nor do I condone hurtful comments like the one you too which you so succinctly replied. But if you want to publish articles online and can’t cope with the asanine comments that follow, you’re in the wrong business. I’d

“If you’re an A.V. Club reader, you probably share our general cynicism for promotional nonsense.”

They need to rebuild the seven bridges. Okay, I’m geeky and an Euler fan.

witch hunt is a term for false accusations against the vulnerable by the powerful

They tried that at the Golden Globes. Look how well that turned out for them.

What is he supposed to do when a journalist asks him a question about it? Say “No comment”?

Holy Crap!

I don’t mean to lecture, Jesse, but if O Brother Where Art Thou “seems to have fallen in esteem somewhat since its release” among the people you’re spending time with, then those people are not your friends.

He’s very amusing in Goon as a purposefully obnoxious (and only allowed to be so because he has large friends) dude! In conclusion, Goon is awesome.

I’m not sure if it qualifies as “Grindhouse”, but I’ll continually go to bat for Cinemax’ Banshee. That show is preposterous in all the best ways - the excessive violence, exploitative use of nudity, and winking humor at the batshitness of all of it. The acting by and large is awful, but the premise would not be out