I am also dubers

Agreed. I never finished Lost Odyssey as my 360 died when I was on disk 3 and my save got corrupted. Such a shame that it never got a wider release and is stuck on a dead console that never had much of an interest in JRPGs. It would have sold a lot more if it had been multiplatform, or even if they had gone for PS3

You speak the truth brother!

You speak the truth brother!

Add in some boulder punching and ill rate it 10 S.T.A.R.S. on imdb.

Think Neil Patrick Harris in the Harold and Kumar movies. Idris Elba playing a character called Idris Elba who is not actually Idris Elba.

So youre salty that you bought an xbox and feel like nobody else deserves to play it unless they also buy an xbox?


I’m with you on that. Steamworld Heist is one of the best games I’ve gotten from any Humble Bundle and I probably wouldn’t have given it a chance if I hadn’t got it in a bundle.

I’m with you on that. Steamworld Heist is one of the best games I’ve gotten from any Humble Bundle and I probably

Fun fact - Ozzy Osbournes song Iron Man was originally called Iron Bloke. True story.

I get around 120 fps and havent had any noticeable lag in the 2 days since i bought it. Im running 4790k at stock speed/1080 ti/16gb at 1440p and everything set to ultra.

This is Civ VI, not Civ V.

Sonic, sonic 2, sonic and knuckles...

But... you still have to pay for an internet connection before you can use xbox live or ps+. Online gaming on pc and mobile doesnt cost extra, unlike on consoles. Your arguement is invalid, sorry.

Coming to PC alongside the PS5/Xbox...Two (?) re-release in 2021...

You just 100% described my Rocket League ability after 1100 hours and 8000+ matches... walls are my achilles heel.

Yes. You login to the mobile version with your battlenet account and all your cards/decks etc will be there. Anything you can do in the desktop client can be done in the mobile app too (as far as i know)

Yep, I got them at 17 and spent 2 weeks quarentined and taking strong antibiotics due to the pnumonia that came with it. Dont have many scars but there are a few on my face and chest. My whole body was covered in blisters though, literally 100% of my body...

Terrible game. I was super hyped since thps1+2 are my favourite games in the series but everything about it felt wrong. Bad physics, bad animations and none of the charm the original releases had. Played it once and never touched it again. Now I just need to get thps2 working on an emulator as its the only ps1 game

What is a man? Nothing but a miserable pile of secrets... But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!!!

I played the first game and it’s very much a zelda / god of war hybrid. Awesome game with a great voice cast.

Just started The Witcher 3. Gave up on the first game when I couldnt get past the stupid green dog thing (weak, I know...). 2nd game didnt do it for me as I couldnt get into the combat but, so far, Im loving 3 after about 5 hours.