
WRONG. There are no M. Night apologists BECAUSE HE DOESN'T NEED ANY. Only pompous fools pretend that he's anything less than a greatly accomplished filmmaker who appreciates the art of cinema. Many studios enjoy working with him and admire him (including multiple-time collaborations between him & Fox Pictures, like

Well, that's your own fault for being so closed-minded and blindly assuming that M. Night intentionally causes any screwups in whatever project he directs. I just gave you a valid well-thought out explanation of Executive Meddling that was not M. Night's fault, so you should start showing M. Night some respect.

The same way Michael "Dumbface" Bay (a REAL clown, which Shyamalan ISN'T) is still making movies: STUDIOS DON'T CARE ABOUT QUALITY. At least M. Night is NOT a classless scumbag like Bay is, and multiple studios know this. Shyamalan is a true auteur who appreciates the art of cinema, and he is a modest down-to-earth

Yep, Shyamalan actually has more fans/people wanting to see his non-franchise movies than Michael Bay does. (and Night has more Twitter followers too)

Viv, I don't have a problem with your heart sinking, as long as you DON'T BLAME SHYAMALAN for it….It was logically explained back in August that most of The Last Airbender's screwups were caused by EXECUTIVE/STUDIO MEDDLING. Someone, who claimed to be a member of the film's crew, spoke up and provided *impressively

It's YOUR FAULT for not sympathizing with an innocent filmmaker and blaming him for something that WASN'T HIS FAULT….It was logically explained (back in August) that The Last Airbender was the result of EXECUTIVE/STUDIO MEDDLING. Someone claiming to be a member of the film's crew, provided *logical insights* to