Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?
Is it possible that it’s maybe not outright homophobia, but still pretty shitty to criticize someone for not being gay the way you want them to be (politician or not)?
I want to punch him I can’t imagine if I was the guy he was directing his spazz out at.
I did some math.
This happened in Seattle, not Philly.
I mean, it’s obviously an inappropriate response
Reefer madness.
Hm...I always have mixed feelings when I see high-level Beat Saber play. In-game it looks really impressive but the actions themselves translate to a lot of waving your arms in front of you w/really intense wrist flicking, and less natural slicing/dancing movements which is where I feel Beat Saber really shines.
I get that people digest content differently based on a million different factors. I get that victims and those close to them (rightly) can’t tolerate jokes about this shit, but... I can’t be the only person who remembers how critical that skit was of Kelly.
I am posting my doc info here:
Thanks for writing this. Sex has been painful for the past 5, 6 years or so. I contributed it to endometriosis - but my gyno says that’s under control. I am a chronic pain patient though, so maybe the two are linked? It just really really sucks because I’m single and the threshold to have sex with someone new has…
KFC and cologne : (
“failed to provide a safe and secure environment” for the participants, among other complaints.
Somebody’s always gotta try to profit from a tragedy.
The work environment being toxic was an intended part of the show. It was never meant to make the audience feel comfortable.
I very rarely side with the “now so you’re just being silly” side on this issue... but yeah, that piece might be pushing things a bit too far.
“so do our sensibilities and our awareness of the ways in which injustice operates systematically.”
Hi. @myriachan on Twitter =^-^=
I'm a cosplayer and personally I'd love of someone asked me all those questions. It makes you feel a little validated that someone else is interested in what you did.