Christopher Andrews

I'm a Canuck, and while I mourn the trashing of the trash, I loved this post. Oh, and I'm sorry.

That red Sanyo was one of my first portable cassette players (yes, it is easier to just say "Walkmen" as we did back in the day). Good memories, etching a line on the little window of the cassette tape where I had to fast-forward to to get to the beginning of the Brazilian on Invisible Touch.

It's been a while since I've seen it, but I seem to recall the words "NEGOTIATING WITH HOST" on the screen when he was connecting—and I and my fellow computer nerdy friends laughed our asses off.

There's nothing in the trilogy that shows Star Wars or Star Trek existed after Marty returns to 1985. Maybe George worked those into his earlier published works, and George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry ended up writing something else?

Vader's lack of recognition: at what point does he see them or hear their names in A New Hope, Empire, or Return? I don't recall a single instance of that.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players know this site very well.

Oh... here's the other one for the missus.

It may yet gain new life as a Cialis commercial shooting location. (For single men with ED.)