
As shameful as this is, it was probably done just because Naughty Dog is crunching to get the game done and whoever was responsible for choosing that art didn’t have enough time to draw their own. While I’m not condoning this practice, it just goes to show how stressed out and overworked people in the game dev

Really dug that rustic Skellige ambient theme.

Because you can’t read? ;)

Witcher 3 OST is absolutely great. Yes it can get repetitive, because it is a huge game and a lot of times, it just use one motive for certain thing, but even after 200+ hours I can’t get really tired of it. Yes, some times it can be rather overwhelming and distract you, but it entered my go to music when playing

Oh, I’m sure Chris Johnson will end up in the poorhouse, what with only having a measly Computer Science degree to live on.

Maybe they really want to dance or they for some reason believe a flaming skull with no stats that cant even be equiped cosmectically over actually items is worth obsurd amounts.

The biggest emotional game this year was P.T... When it was removed from Playstation store.

Best anger game? Dark Souls.

Clearly Journey will win something. Hopefully the top award.

Yea cause so many people are out in the streets busting out their swords for a real fight.

Keep in mind hijacking GFaqs polls is nothing new. The L-Block from Tetris once won the Character Battle contest .

The tears are so salty. I vote for Undertale not because I think it’s the greatest game of all time, but because I don’t think Final Fantasy 7 and Zelda:OOT are the greatest games either.

must press r1 at the correct moment for that crit

Well for those of us who don’t go to reddit, I’m glad they repost this stuff here.

This, this, a thousand times this. I’ve been trying to play Fallout 4, and half the time I’m just like, “You know what, post-apocalyptic wasteland? I just can’t deal with your sh*t right now. Sorry. I’m going to bed.” It’s a shame.