
So he hangs out with the only reporter on the trip to Korea with Sec of State... interesting.

These are amazing.

Nothing projects American strength like an overweight man cutting short a meeting (sitting and talking) because he’s tired.

spider egg casserole

Damn it, I forgot Mexico paying for the wall! That’s such a good one, too. Especially when their “plan” to make “Mexico pay for it” was a tax on American consumers.

Immigration Order I: Lost in court.

Libra is getting some good early reviews. Or maybe I’m thinking of Virgo. Anyway, catch cancer. I mean Cancer. In theaters soon.

Meanwhile the people who run UO and Coachella are utter pieces of shit.

Imagine hating someone whom you don’t personally know (and this person has no idea you exist) so much that you meet in chat rooms to conspire to give that person bad reviews online.

Jeff Sessions is only slightly less awful than Hitler.

This is what I came to the comments to see.

Please don’t end sentences with prepositions. Thank you.

We need more. Form 6251 would be a start.

Tourism is plummeting. Trump is bad for business.

Rereading sentences and paragraphs to figure what you meant is not something I should be doing.

I wish they would ambush her on tv.

Does this genetic science use the same scientific method as climate science?

“nobody will be worse off financially”

Let’s be honest, the show wasn’t good even with Connie Britton on it.

Medicaid? What, he run out of money to take from food stamps or elementary schools?