Optimistic Prime

Look the simple story here is that octane rating is a means to prevent pre-ignition. Any car with OBDII will tell you if you are doing it wrong because it will have knock sensors to detect pre-ignition. The best tuning you can hope for is as much timing advance as you can get before pre-ignition. Thats the point of

It surprises you that people don’t understand Octane? We’re talking about the same population that filled trashbags with gasoline in their trunks because a pipeline shut down for a few days. Think about the most average person you know, then remember that roughly half the people buying gas are dumber than that person. 

They aren't mistaking it, they know what racist pieces of shits they are, they JUST don't care.

Finding new lows? These are just the ones we’re hearing about. 

Partly because even the biggest white cop hater will always be treated better by the police then a respectful, complaint PoC. Cops are experts at knowing which side the bread is buttered and uses that to great advantage.

Roadside rapid tests should be banned. The tests are, no doubt, going to test positive for whatever they are intended to detect - there is great doubt that they will test negative for everything else in the universe, which means plenty of false positives which means plenty of wrongful arrests, seizures, stays in jail

It’s hard to believe they keep finding new lows but you’d swear these MFs were most talented oil drillers in history, I mean they could plunge through the depths of hell with their bare hands at the speed of white, I mean light, just defying the rules and shocking us with new levels of depravity each and every damned

Huh. Instead of speed bumps, speed holes.

Indeed. Had a very fun conversation with my dad when he got back from Italy for the first time on this sort of topic.

You get it. Everybody’s state of origin has the worst roads, weirdest weather, best sports team, awesome food, etc.

Don’t know about the rest of the country, but in the Midwest, it’s definitely Michigan, and just about everyone here knows it too.

Whichever state the person answering is from.

In high school (late 90s) I forgot to log out of my hotmail account and my schoolmates changed the name to “Jack MeHoff”. Queue my summer internship when I sent an email to my boss from that account: “Who is Jack Mayhoff”? She didn’t get it and thankfully didn’t pry.

I may have once logged into a work zoom call as MadAnthony, because it was the screen name I used previously to chat with some internet friends and then forgot to change it.

So I believe him. 

I take this comment as "why don't you write an article about every time you get an honest, straightforward answer from a dealer?" Um, because no one needs advice about that situation. :-)

“If over the course of several hundred deals thoughout the year MOST dealers get it right and have no problem sending out the door prices...”

If your interaction with a dealership goes as described in this article the next step is reporting them to their corporate masters. Hyundai does not want stupid shit like this happening and will come down hard on them.

If over the course of several hundred deals thoughout the year MOST dealers get it right and have no problem sending out the door prices, even on out of state deals...the problem is not the “complexitity of the system” if a FL dealer refuses to send a quote for a Florida customer, especially when their competiton can

Around 1988 I found out what a Timing Belt was in an LN7 and how it was critical to an Interference Motor. My Dads buddy had a number of Escorts with the same motor and one of his daughters did the same. He put a new head on it and two weeks later the water pump failed and she kicked the rods out the side. He put a

You are the first person I’ve ever heard owned one.