Optimistic Prime

Instead of making a show just about the wolfman, why doesn't NBC make a show with Dracula, the Wolfman and Frankenstein's monster. Set it in 1970's California. Have them live in a posh beach house and drive fancy cars. They could go to discotheques, solve mysteries and maybe find a little romance. I'd watch that.

My favorite is the one where Fred tears the head off an actual zombie in an attempt to unmask it in Scooby Doo on Zombie Island. Classic!

I thought that was a nice touch since it's kind of a "magic trick" thing.

Its the calling card for the serial killer Red John in the show The Mentalist. Took 6 years to reveal who it is and the only good thing to come out of it was Simon Baker's performance when he finally gets to kill the guy. The episode is still on my DVR JUST for that shot.

Someone watched a bit to much Stargate. Impossible as that seems.

Now playing

How has no one brought this one up? Face of Boe was an awesomely surprising reveal.

My least favorite:

The tragedy is how Professor Yana is a legitimately good man who also happens to be a true monster...and the look on his face when he realizes who he is sells that tragedy.

Its not genre, but it happened last week and it was a major let down. I wished they left it at the season 3 finale in the mall.

Every Scooby doo reveal ever...

You thought I was the good guy? Best reveal. - Dollhouse, Boyd.

I loved his Master. I wish we'd gotten more.

"Lois!" Clark whipped off his glasses. "I am Superman!"

Hello? Is this thing on?

Negative, they easily removed. Badges are the worst on electronics, only exceeded by the Arkham City box art reviews.

You know it turns yellow like that normally. Even without smoke. It has something to do with the plastic Nintendo used. I've seen models where they used different plastic for the top and bottom casing. So eventually the top was that gross yellow and the bottom looked normal.

You sure you aren't from Canada?


Maybe I didn't get full Black Friday experience with PS4 purchase. It was like... gentelman's race! Seriously. Guys who didn't get the PS4 said: "Well played... I'll get one later..." and people who did were: "Sorry, chap. I wish you'd had one too. If only the store had more of these...".

Wait, 'cyber' means 'war' now? I have never heard or seen it used that way.