Optimistic Prime

Sure. You put all those up there and the next thing you know, a few decades later, Sandra Bollock is tumbling uncontrollably through space....

Badger, badger, badger, badger,


Don't mind us. Just digging up your graves...

Unlike my more media-savvy cousin, I DO give a $h!t.

"...are sculptors who also happen to be amateur archaeologists."

Just from the description of this incident, this sounds like a case of a bad situation that will only get worse by trying to prosecute the parents.

Yeah it's not quite as bad as the people leaving their kids in the locked car with all the windows up when it's 100 outside.

Seriously, when was the last time you heard of someone dying of heat in a car while it was in transit? We got to stop holding people responsible for everything that happens. Negligent homicide has been expanded to include just about any cause and effect activity. Negligent homicide used to be reserved for pure

It appears that the parents are people below the poverty line (Ohio is full of poor folk), desperately trying to make ends meet. It is simply a terrible tragedy, where I am sure neither Mom nor Dad wished to happen. I hope the charges get dropped.

Pretty horrible but sounds like a tragic accident, vs. a case of neglect. Not to mention, those carrier seats can get ridiculously warm compared to the rest of the cabin as the vinyl seat covers don't really breath. I usually have the AC cranked and despite that my 6 month old's back is drenched in sweat after an hour

people parking in the middle of the street...

Well this just lowered my expectations of college grads in China...

The officer in question later seen at his part time job in drivers ed:

Just don't let its condition corrode...

Judgement Time!

Oh muh gawd. He's gonna be worth so much juice.