Optimistic Prime

I wonder what you're doing with the Moto 360 that the battery doesn't last. I wake up at two in the morning, put my watch on, got to bed at eight in the evening. I consistently have 25% life left in it after 18hours. Once I had the battery only work for a couple of hours, but I think it was an app that was hanging.

I agree with the pricing. All I want is a truck to carry stuff in occasionally, and get from A to B. I don't need luxury for that. I'm sure they could build a truck closer to $14,000 that fits that bill.

I'll add to this that if you don't drive many miles you come out ahead. We basically got $1,400 when we turned in our last lease as we only put 20,000 miles on the car in three years. Not typical I know, but it's great.

MFP was a real eye opener. I thought I only ate 2x a day, so it wasn't much. I was eating like 4,000 calories a day! 280 days later I'm 100lbs. lighter. Still a bit to go, but I'm stoked at the results. Now I have trouble with not enough calories at the end of the day.

I've been overly happy with the quality of my Kias. I've been telling my wife for years that if they built a truck, I'd happily buy one. Don't get me wrong, I love my S-10, but 15mpg can be killer on a budget.

Most likely the fish eggs were on the coat of the beavers or another creature that transferred it to the lake. It does happen in nature.

Barry stealing the Captain's burger was probably the funniest bit. Especially since his boyfriend will only allow him to eat healthy at home. Maybe it's just that I'm dieting with my wife I felt for him.

Waiting to get FFIV on my toaster. One day, one day...

JHTFC! More than a buck for shaving cream! Barbasol wins if only for that alone. Hell, as unoften as I need it, liquid soap does a fine job after a nice hot shower.

JHTFC! More than a buck for shaving cream! Barbasol wins if only for that alone. Hell, as unoften as I need it,

I am going to go out a limb and declare that putting two spaces after a period is obsolete. It is how most of us were taught to type on a typewriter. Therefore, most of us who do this (I have taught myself to stop putting two spaces after a period and it was hard) are over 50 years of age.

I still have to use a pipe cleaner for the mouth-lid part, but it is nicer than the other type.

I still have to use a pipe cleaner for the mouth-lid part, but it is nicer than the other type.

Then put players together based on skill. I don't have 40 hours a week to devote to playing competitive online and getting better at it. Being a gamer with a job and multiple other responsibilities means I'm lucky to get two hours a week to kill, and I want it to be fun. Getting killed 3 seconds after every respawn

The thing to note here is it's in Canada. Not all countries follow the same painting rules. I've yet to figure out what all the zig zag line in the UK are all about. I should know given the copious amounts of BBC I watch, but I'm still dumbfounded.

I'll reiterate the pack it extremely well point. There's nothing worse than a glass jar in a box that's too small for the jar. Yeah, that's going to break at some point. Pack it in a box, then pack it in an oversize box with dunnage to prevent shifting. If you're shipping a liquid, put it in a thick plastic bag

To be fair, the buttons haven't changed since 1991 on the SNES.

My brother claims to have seen one in the wild. He was playing with someone who Mod'd their BA rank to 2500. Why anyone has Mod'd already is beyond me, at least enjoy the game for a week or two, but that's me.

I got one when I went away to school. My mom sent a 911 page. Thinking it was someone dying, I called home right away. She needed to know where the remote control was...

Does it play nice with WMC?

YES! I want to know where his clothes go too! Hopefully to the Goodwill. Though he seems to wake up in a similar spot, why doesn't he have a cache of clothes there? It certainly would be helpful.

360 servers were affected as well. I was pissed. Worked all day looking forward to relaxing to a little Destiny, and then this. Good thing we can at least play single player...