Optimistic Prime

The closest we may have had was Lincoln.

You can't be president, but you can run for any other office in states that don't specifically bar atheist from running.

When roughly 25% of the population is atheist, agnostic, non-religious, etc. and there is zero representation for them in political office, that is a problem. When the majority of our representation is philanderers, hypocrites, and panderers and that's a smaller percentage of the population we have a problem.

I must know, was he able to pair it with bleached asshole?

I bought one of the first gen ones refurbished, and I love it. I basically use it for internet, but you're stuck with Explorer if you buy one with an ARM processor. Even so, it's not bad. It also comes with Office. I recommend splurging for the clicky keyboard, but the basic one is adequate.

The best advice I have is learn how to use a rivet gun. The spot welds on my ignitor and crossover channel were crap from the factory. Rather than spend $30 on parts, I drilled holes and riveted the pieces together. My grill worked flawlessly and it only took a few minutes and maybe $3 in parts total (if that).

I've found that basically having my agenda beforehand doubles better for minutes than relying on someone's sloppy penmanship.

Dude, you missed the most important one for us really old timers! Chevy! Ford! ;)

I half expect them to pull a "Ward was a very deep cover triple agent" BS explanation and Hand isn't dead. Who knows, comics are like soap operas and nobody is ever truly dead.

This reminds me of when I first found the internet in college in '97. At that time you went to a "computer lab" to play on the internet, get e-mail, etc. I was amazed by how every word plus .com was something. Wouldn't you believe it, the first time in my life my mind wasn't in the gutter, and I was trying to think

I came here to post that. For the most part it works, but I still on occasion get mail for my brother who died 6 years ago and has never lived with me.

I actually enjoyed AC3, so explain it to me too.

The snowman was cute, that was about all you missed.

It's a life lesson for the kids. I grew up poor and didn't have the He-Man, Transformers, GI Joe, etc. toys like all the other kids did. I did however have parents that worked insane hours doing shit jobs just to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. Surely I was disappointed as a kid, but I appreciated

I agree. I watched and thought to myself, "not another fucking song" the whole way through. My wife laughed at me because I said "what, no fucking song for this scene?" Sure enough, seconds later, there was a song.

Your wrong. Transformers was the most successful animated movie of all time; it forced me and every other boy to cry when Optimus Prime sacrificed himself.

I'd agree, but I remember getting a small toy for Easter when I was a kid. It's been a long time since I've been a kid...

"I have been staying up late every night checking the site. I didn't think the site would refresh during the day. SO irritated! My girl has been waiting for a classic Elsa doll since Christmas. She can't understand why Santa didn't get her one since it was what she wanted most. Now she is hoping that the Easter Bunny

I was looking for that in the comments. Thanks for not disappointing me.

Funny, my wife thinks the same thing. ;)