Optimistic Prime

Your question reminds me of a horrible pickup line-

I was just wondering how much noise they'll make running down long corridors. :)

Those are some big feet...

It's interesting the shape of her face is completely different between two processors. The AMD one is shorter than the Nvidia.

My wife and I did the Bonanza thing too. It was great. :)

Thank you! I bought my house with the intention of living here. Hell, I even picked out the spot I want to die. My house is my retirement plan.

A beneficiary form lets you indicate whom you would like money to be transferred to upon your death—even if you don't have a will. If you have any of the following account types, you've likely filled this out already: a 401(k) or retirement accounts through work, life insurance policies, IRAs, annuity accounts, and

As a gamer, I thank you for your effort. :)

I'm half disappointed that even fully modded out, I can still recognize that this is in Whiterun.

I'm amazed by what medicare will and won't pay for, and how much. We got a used mobility chair for my grandfather, and they wouldn't pay for a new battery. They would however pay for a new chair. Seriously, $5,000+ or $60, and they'd rather spend the full price.

Now playing

Great general rule- did I piss or shit on my hands? If yes, wash. No, not needed.

My bill is $50 for 13Mb download speed. Not sure what the cap is, and there's not a reliable way of determining how much bandwidth I've used either. I got it down to $35 by calling and threatening to switch providers, but I can only do that every other year or so.

I don't know my city very well, but drop me anywhere and I can figure out at least roughly how to get home. Even if I make a wrong turn here and there I'll still get home. I like to think of these times where I'm not 100% sure as little adventures and sometimes find some of the coolest hidden parts of Cleveland and

They probably do. At FedEx we call them Truck Control Agents.

Being on a cell phone, people probably can't see the mushroom cloud. They just go "Look how pretty" without a second glance; probably what the Chinese fellow did.

Or science. Not allowed to explain science. Jesus did it, that's the answer to everything.

But everything is bigger in Texas... Might need more than six...

Considering just the violence it can lead to, this one is very reasonable.

Now playing

In general, Sony has always had better advertising. I remember the old Ratchet and Clank ads for the PS2, they were funny.

That's how my in-laws played it, and it sucked. My family on the other hand gets it, and we all love CAH. It's what we play on the holidays.