Optimistic Prime

Chances are, you'll get a whopping 50¢ for your hard-copy. But like you said, at least it's something.

In the pilot they did mention it was an alternate time stream due to not finding the beacon in 2149. Early prediction- it gets destroyed in some way so they couldn't find it later. That, and even Energizer can't claim to last 85 million years. :)

On your fourth point there are two possibilities there: 1. Alternate time stream means they can add crap that didn't exist. 2. It is possible we don't have a 100% complete record of dinosaurs that did exist; remains of rarer animals could have been lost to time.

Because they were never going to buy said DS, the plan was to frighten the kid into just handing it over. These were not good kids to begin with.

You could be on to something with the V coming from a fiver, maybe there's a big plot to rip off the treasury? In that case it could be in Cleveland, we have a reserve building here. Though it's probably the one in SF...

This is more of my wife's department, but isn't the silver bullet inserted into a piece of molded rubber? If that's the case, denatured alcohol would sanitize it.

Though there is a high percentage of Americans that know what those words are, that does amaze me.

Three weeks from now, that's when. I'll delay my 3DS purchase until this is built in as well.

Apparently things built well are made to be smacked around. We had an ancient dot-matrix printer at work (20 years old at the time) and it wouldn't work right. I called tech support and he told me to lift it about 4 inches and let go. I thought he was crazy, but sure enough it worked wonderfully after that. It's

Great timing, I just finished some painting and there always seems to be paint higher up on the brush that never comes off! I'll have to try it later.

Those Avengers pictures were a week before they came to Cleveland. I can personally vouch as a Clevelander that it usually looks like that. :P

Well that's one way to ruin my day completely. :P

So much for hoping to play some Sly Cooper on my 360...

Count yourself lucky. I don't use mine much either, but it still saddens me. Though I have the chatpad attached to my controller, so it sticks into my belly when I play.

My biggest problem with the wired is the plug gets mangled so easy. I don't know how many I've gone through. I'm not rough with it either, it's just the really thin wire bends and then you get the crackles.

My best guess is this is their way of telling their members "pull your info now before we take it from PayPal."

I love my GBM. The only problem is the screen seems so fragile. :( I was actually able to replace it which made my day. $13 and some time and it's good as new. (I had it in my pocket and a bit of the display went wonky, a big white streak.)

Even better, they had this and another Castlevania game on one cart! (Don't remember the name of the other one, there have been so many...)

I'm usually honest, if I played a game and didn't like it, I'll tell you. Though it will be tough to find a game you hate.

Maybe I'm the only one that noticed, but she was 16 when she gave birth. The root here is most likely the poor sex-ed that's given to kids. We tell them "sex is bad, never do it until you're married," but it doesn't work. Usually the guy giving said advice was screwing when he was a kid too.