Optimistic Prime

The best thing I get for free is TV. OTA programming is more than adequate and thanks to DTV being mandatory, it's crystal clear. With the 50 bucks a month I save not having cable, I can afford quite a few things that I want.

I have a hard time not putting a salutation in an e-mail. If it's informal, it'll be a name or nickname.

En fait, les vieux jeux horribles sur la TVHD en raison des pixels étant plus grand, etc Jeux comparer écrasé sur un téléviseur récent, ce qui les ramène à leur ancienne gloire.

Of course, health items have been represented by food for years in games. Now to get me some pac-pellets and pizza, I feel weak. :(

Still waiting on a soundtrack for Brutal Legend. :(

@Jason Taylor: At least it's not a November launch where the eBay crowd is buying them up too. I'm sure there will be some of that, but it won't be as bad. (GS veteran of Wii, PS3, 360, and PSP launches. :P )

@DugDawg: Tough sell to parents who just shelled out 200 clams at Christmas for DSi.

@egoods: Though I can see your point, it sucks having a newer version just months after you dropped $200 on a machine. This is especially true when you can't transfer downloaded games to the new machine (I do realize DSi owners are supposed to be able to do a transfer, but it's a one time deal).

Too little too late. I got this for Christmas last year, and the DLC had already been pulled! I was upset but played through the game anyhow. I sold it long before it was re-released, and I'm not buying it again to pay for DLC.

Not a Chutulu, it's an Ud!

@MrTripps: I was rewinding a few times to figure it out, especially since he was in a Kryptonite cage!

Anyone else notice 8-ball was hitting the TARDIS? Wait until the Doctor finds out...

The VB was the very first console I bought for myself. I did odd jobs and saved up for it for months, and I loved it! Given the opportunity to play those games again, I certainly would.

@ttocs: I'm doubting it was only one officer. If the others around him heard a shot, it could've come from the robber so they were protecting everyone else there.

@phaydee: Sadly when I worked there the slogan was "don't be a hero."

@elmorepow: Even a bad guy should stop when caught. The man who was shot obviously was not any sort of decent human being; he did not show concern for himself or anyone else around him.

@elmorepow: Especially since every police officer is a sharpshooter to the same caliber as a gamer in CoD. When shooting a moving target you have to shoot for center of mass, you cannot predict where a limb will be. On top of that, there are arteries in the leg that would cause death in moments if hit, so it's just

I for one am glad he was shot. Too many people know the police usually won't shoot at you, so there's no incentive for giving up.

Have you seen the Kia lineup recently or driven one? Not at all a bad car for the price. Jalopnik, not the kind of article we want for the next top blogger.