Optimistic Prime

@Mishotaki: The tanooki suit allowed you to turn into a statue. The rug only represents the super-leaf that allowed Mario to fly. Trust me, I was there. :P #supermariobros

I would've been on the cheapskate end if I bought it. My main reason being I already paid for it on Wii; this would be an extra for playing on the computer when I'm bored. #worldofgoo

I've given plenty away to friends and family. If I'm not actively playing it, why do I need it? I'd rather see someone enjoy the game than have it collecting dust.

@WhiteMage: Granted they aren't really "taking" anything, there seems to be little utility to being a Gold subscriber. Sure you can play games online, but that's about it. That's a free service on PS3, DS, and even Wii. The occasional game sale is meaningless as most people who are interested in said game/DLC

I'd have to agree, it only shows departments that share with site. I live in Cleveland Area, and all the crime is showing in Cleveland proper. I know crime happens outside the city.

@TheGreatRaja: Two words, chat pad. Best twenty bucks I ever spent. I know a guy on live whose mic is busted, so I text chat with him. Takes forever without the pad.

@TheGarageBand: If you don't want to buy it, then don't. It's quite simple really. Why be loyal to GameStop? Shop elsewhere.

@Salen: The problem is that every knucklehead out there will know, and try to get their cut of the pie. $25,000 once is cheaper than $25,000 multiple times.

@Rampzie: So the average person only have a vocabulary of 1000 words should limit the fun for the rest of us? BTW, what's wrong with a term that means bundle of sticks, or cigarette?

I can slack off and still save the world. That, and money is sooo easy to come by.

@tigresa: I had 50 hours of the game, and I forgot. Problem is I hadn't touched it since February, of '08. That's the problem with going back to games, sometimes you forget the small stuff.

@Scazza: I agree, not at all what I was expecting. I think they're just getting us prepared for the more shooting centric ME2. The glitch I had was I'd use throw in the warehouse, and the dude was stuck behind a crate. I couldn't kill him after that. I cried.

@schmixx: I'd assume that's a law Germany has we don't in the US. People are worried about copyrights and whatnot. Understandably so seeing how many people were burning CD-ROM games when the burning technology first came out, and then streaming the games when the internet became big enough to handle it.

@Kris: You can't return a new game if you don't like it. That more than any other reason is why Used can be better.

@Novaload Misses Murilee: From what I've seen, many of the "clunkers" are quite nice. At least nicer than most of the cars I see here in the inner city. I agree, they should have been used to trade to the truly poor for the real clunkers that will continue to be on the road because the minimum wage worker can't

@P161911 now with M POWER!: I couldn't agree more. I have a 2000 S-10 VORTEC, horrible mileage. However I just hit 15,000 miles. It's in spectacular condition, I'd hate to see it junked. Especially considering the people who can't afford a new car but would love something dependable.