
I enjoyed this. I like musicals generally. I did not think Chenoweth was great, and actually found her distracting (again: not in a good way). Though she was well suited for her role in Wicked, to be honest, I'm not sure I understand the general fascination with her.

I want to upvote your reference to the Dean, but his pronunciation of suplex always drove me up the wall… so I'm torn.

Spider Jerusalem is nutty, obviously, but would you mind not telling him/her to commit suicide in response? Maybe you mean it as a joke or an exaggeration, but I'd rather SJ get some help.

No whey.

This reminds me that I really have to spend more time maxin'.

When you say that there's "no really good counter-argument," it makes assumptions about the hearer that I'm not prepared to make. I've not made any case for or against the use of tallow in currency, but I've seen argument in this thread that the tallow itself might be a byproduct of some other process (meaning that

I don't know who might be game in Britain to argue for the cheaper production of currency, despite the objections of a vocal minority (which is how I would expect the argument to run, as opposed to championing "animal fats" for their own sake), though I'm sure there will be people to do so. There are always people to

I don't know whether this is meant for me or kayjay. But since its in reply to my comment, on my feed, I'll give you my answer:

Never an episode. That was a reference then? Bad on me. But the comment still made me grin, so… good for King of the Hill writers! (And you. :) )

I'm not vegan, but I greatly appreciate your reasonable approach to it. We need more of this in the world from everyone.

Amazing comment! Truly!

So Tara is a popular character here, huh? I don't know. In this episode at least, I found her insufferable. She strikes me as the kind of person that snarky adolescents imagine themselves to be: super "witty," delivering pointed jokes right to peoples' faces without them ever responding in kind, or getting pissed off.

But eventually, you graduate. You become a grown up with
responsibilities and a proper kitchen. You learn to use a skillet like
an adult. It won’t make you fatter. You learn to gauge whether meats are
cooked by feeling with your knuckles. Your food tastes better. It’s
easier to clean up after yourself. You pack up

Government brings inherent dangers, doesn't it? It is the publicly sanctioned use of force, which can be used for good or ill, and the latter, especially, when people (alone or in concert) decide that a nation can be their own, personal honey pot.

We could do worse.

I find Roman history fascinating. And like all subjects worth studying, it is complex. But I'm curious as to whether — in your study — you've yet come to any conclusions as to the relationship between the political scene you describe and the fall of the Republic (which comes hot on the heels of all of the characters

You know who I feel bad for? Folks in the 38th gender.

I have a fair idea how the system works. But I don't think that the system should make us feel all great about the prospects of a Trump presidency. Under the system that we have — and have had — the US has done all sorts of crazy and awful shit, both to its own citizens and people abroad. Someone with (let's say)

Politics is pop culture now. This is our world for the next 4+ years…

I understand how reality works, and that this won't happen, but…