

Crazy-Eyes does have a name. It is Suzanne. Suzanne is an incredibly vibrant character. Her backstory, with her mental illness struggles and the way she has managed to cope with it, is one of the best character arcs ever. 'Dandelion' has worked it's way into my lexicon, as a word for something that looks beautiful and

Hot new invention?!

I read that comment in the worst possible way.

And here I was using my eyelids like an asshole.

Jessica Coen cannot, in fact, name him, because as everyone knows if you say Hugo Schwyzer three times he shows up in your house and insists that the real gender problem in the world today is women not being nice enough.

Right. I hate coy, passive-aggressive bullshit like this. Say what you mean and mean what you say, dammit.

Grab your ovaries and come out with a real statement, or, hell, a retraction if necessary. This - this is bargaining. And it is pathetic. Jessica, I respect that your job is difficult. You're representing feminism to a broad audience. Do us all a favor: stand up straight and speak clearly. I have tremendous faith in

I guess a direct apology, or acknowledgement of the flaws that underlay the initial decision, is out of the question, huh?

I had my iPhone vaccinated and it doesn't do that now.

I, for one, will defend the beard to the death. Every single man looks sexier with stubble. I hide my boyfriend's clippers so he can't even trim his down. Sorrynotsorry.

Hey all. I preface my post by saying that I am a "liberal," proud feminist, and a woman of color. I abhor victim blaming, and in my eyes, Trayvon Benjamin Martin was a minor teenager with every right to fear a man lurking in the darkness.

Yeah "jury of your peers" doesn't mean "jury of law school students."

Am I missing something? Where does the shirt say "slut" on it? Is it emblazoned on the back? I feel like she should get all the high-5s for this - get yours Taylor, get yours!

I would assume there are toilets and sinks. It wasn't clear in the article if they use hot air hand dryers or paper towel hand dryers.