
The tone of these comments seem to be calling her “uppity.” 

What do you mean? It’s mostly people talking shit about her for some reason.

No, she's not, and fuck every last Nazi talibangelical fauxminist who starred your ignorant shitpost. 

Does that mean KittenGal2019 is now a Jezebel writer? Why are you so pissed at an innocuous comment? Judging by her likes and similar comments in support of that general idea (lets maybe not rip down a pop culture icon for not doing exactly what we want, but mostly going in the same direction we are). What do you want,

I don’t think they can do anything enforceable, but I do think it’s worth noting that this IS appropriation, even if it has been happening for a long time. My great grandfather was Purepecha from the state of Michoacan in Mexico and he and his siblings were told to stop wearing their indigenous clothing when they went


While this is lovely snark, there actually is a very serious issue behind all this.

There’s no way of knowing they don’t contain carcinogens.

This lady is the sort of person who trolls here, and the sort of unaware idiots the IRA bots are meant to emulate. 

So they didn't write about the men of Deadspin sexually harassing or sexually assaulting women? 

Just a reminder that Bernie Sanders is 77 years old and he is Splinter’s #1 choice for President right now...

Nice job Splinter! You go through all the effort to de-approve everyone and now an obvious Tomatoface sockpuppet has free reign as an approved commenter

My favorite part of punk is being condescended to about how my choice of punk actually disqualifies me as a punk. My second favorite part of punk is when someone makes me listen to just this one song in a brave attempt to cure me of my punk deficiency. My third favorite part of punk rock is making fun of Glenn Danzig.

What kind of shit ass marketers who work at this firm don’t cover the happy hour tab for interns?

FWIW, there are some worthy non-profits down there who are fighting the good fight, and could do with MORE ammunition, not less.

Lady the hiring committee recommended:

It’s ‘so counter-cultural’ because to sell an article about frugality, you can’t just tell people to cut back on waste and invest more - you need an angle. And the angle is always weird, one-upping frugality that isn’t realistic or even possible for most people. Telling people to spend less than they make? Lifehacker

That’s great if it works for you, but few things are more tedious than competitive frugality. 

Life is too short, man, far too short.

All you eat is something called Huel & quinoa and you are single?