
What do you think this is, L&O:SVU?

I  doubt they could build up a multi-billion dollar company over 30 years solely on the work of one partner who left early on.  There's no reason to think that Eliot and Gretchen aren't also brilliant in their own right.

No, it was because of years of pent up resentment and the fact that he can't take responsibility for the consequences of his own decisions.

The sound is the only thing I agree with.  I shouldn't have to turn the volume way up to hear the whispers, and then down again for the loud parts. But it's a minor issue that he likes to wave around as proof that fans are wrong about the show.  It's so obnoxious.

Those "reviews" are so very bad.  Esther is such a terrible writer I can't believe she gets paid for it.

Was sexually assaulting Skyler for his family?

Jesus Christ, Marie