
I didn't see bias, I saw truth. The "neo-reactionaries" completed abandoned every last core value they had claimed for most of their lives, becoming feckless parrots of their new wing nut heroes, while proclaiming somwe new "patriotism" based on bias and hatred. The lefties stuck to their core values.

C'mon!  Don't be such a slacker.  With just a little more effort you can conflate this deliberately deceitful rant to include the Muslim Brotherhood, ACORN, Whitewater, Jimmy Carter, the WPA, and maybe even the Boy SCouts of America.

Interesting how the "liberals" you say were changed by 9/11 all strengthened their core values in (what used to be) basic American beliefs about democracy, freedom, and truth, while the ones who suddenly embraced "conservative" ideas completely abandoned most of their core values for the safety (and publicity) of