
Enough with the fucking tweet storms. If you have something lengthy to write, put it in a blog post or a Facebook post. Tweet storms are the vertical video of the written word.

I don’t need diamonds, but I do need gems. Big ones, and keep ‘em coming! Diamonds can be beautiful, but the fakery of their rarity besides the whole human suffering thing really turns me off. I know there are abuses in most mining operations, but DeBeers is pretty much the Evil Empire. Seriously, Darth Vader is

Here’s an idea: Any time a woman is forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term, the man who impregnated her is given a tapeworm. He can’t have it removed until she gives birth. Everyone should have to face consequences for having sex.

Not really? I had some slight morning sickness early on that I thought was a stomach bug, but it was over in about three days. I also had a lot of constipation, but no one ever told me that constipation was a side effect of pregnancy (thanks shitty sex ed!), so it didn’t clue me in.

I’d go further than that. I’d feel okay about the 20-week ban if we were talking about a sapient species with an entirely different reproductive cycle. I mean, if women did know they were pregnant within a week of fertilization, if the body of the embryo did grow in such a way that you could see at 10 weeks that this

And there you have it, in a nutshell. Poor people shouldn’t be allowed to have sex. Period. The only reason for the existence of poor people is to work long hours for very little money to make rich people richer. They cannot have lives outside of work, families, or anything that might take them away from their