
I feel bad that you can derive no enjoyment from life.

What in the name of nolan pogosticking bushnell is a farking “Purchase Journey’? AND how can I go back and time and punt the person who invented the term into the sun?

I think the Spider Cop in question isn’t a reference to the game. The spider badge gives it away as Universe X Spidey. After alot of moping in Earth X, Pete joins a resurgent superpowered NYPD under Luke Cage, where they wore cop uniforms with vestiges of their super hero outfits. Cage had his belt chain and I think

I do want to address some of this. Space intensive is becoming less and less of an issue. I play Half Life-Alyx, Star Wars Squadrons, I Expect you to Die, and basically all my vr games from my computer chair. Most games are making allowances for seated gaming at this point and it’s still an engaging experience if you

We talk alot about Donald Trump, and about the fierce hate and ignorance he uses to fan the flames of his election bid, but it’s also serving as a fierce smokescreen for a much larger problem.

She.Was.Warned. It’s like reading the warnings at a gas station and playing with your lighter when pumping. Yeah, bad things can happen. Hell, if the noodles are visibly boiling then hot is plainly obvious before being stated.

I like that his name works as a horrible self insert character an appropriate expletive for him arguing this case. As in “Christ,man, really?”