Add a password manager and show them how to use it.
Kinda surprised that Toyota Camry isn’t on the list. My uncle still has a Camry from 1992 that he drives to this day. I thought he was an outlier until I read this.
I bought this mouse for a similar price on Black Friday, and my official review is “It kicks ass.” Very responsive, the DPI switching feature is great, and though I’ve only used it for a week at the office, it just feels right. After my first day of using it, I came home to the traditional SteelSeries mouse on my…
I bought this mouse for a similar price on Black Friday, and my official review is “It kicks ass.” Very responsive,…
This. So much this.
Evenly? That’s not fair. I put in the effort of opening, and breaking, your chocolate bar. I deserve the biggest pieces.
Many years ago they already had a board that the pieces actually MOVED.
This is lifehacker. I want an article that lazily summarizes someone else’s tutorial on how to build this out of a used milk carton and sugru, dammit.
This is lifehacker. I want an article that lazily summarizes someone else’s tutorial on how to build this out of a…
Update: This item is not longer available.
ah, I didn’t realize that—that’s an, uh, interesting solution they came up with there
For the masses it is probably the best. I would totally get this for my parents or friends. But there are far better options out there is you want a media server on your network, or play online games. But for the masses I would recommend Apple because they are dead simple.
For the masses it is probably the best. I would totally get this for my parents or friends. But there are far better…
I’ve had the Time Capsule model for at least 7 or more years now and never had a problem with it. So easy to configure and have never really had any problems with it sense.
I’ve had the Time Capsule model for at least 7 or more years now and never had a problem with it. So easy to…
My Airports served me well for many years. But here’s their main downside...
My Airports served me well for many years. But here’s their main downside...
Plug and play, works, lasts.......
Plug and play, works, lasts.......
So glad my dog would have his own spot for a water bottle with that seat cover/extender. He’s always bitching about that. Or being in the car in general. One or the other, I can never truly tell.
So glad my dog would have his own spot for a water bottle with that seat cover/extender. He’s always bitching about…