I'm A Different Bird

Military personnel are trained with the full awareness that any misstep might cause an international incident, and if it’s bad enough, the US government will leave them to hang in order to avoid jeopardizing foreign relations.

Because our entire society is built around the idea that more money = better than. Thus, rich people believe that they are smarter, work harder, more moral, more pious, and all around just plain better than everyone else. They have to be, or else they wouldn’t be rich, right?

I have a better idea. How about don’t. Just... Don’t.

I have a better idea. How about don’t. Just... Don’t.

I remember something similar to this way back in the heyday of guitar games called Frets of Fire or something like that. Is that still around?

You sound eggsasperated.

It blows my mind that there are still TVs being sold without HDMI-CEC support. I mean, my vintage 2010 Vizio TV does CEC (badly, but it can at least manage power on/off), but a TV from 2 years ago doesn't?

I find it interesting that you describe its design as incredibly Japanese, since it was developed in the UK. And honestly, I kind of think they also had their own obtuse game design aesthetic going on there; after all, it’s the same country that gave us Battletoads.

I mean, they’re both absolutely horrid. They are birds of the same putrid feather.

If you can’t handle Dimitrescu at her monster form, you don’t deserve her at her mommymilker form

Alita: Battle Angel was the most boring movie I’ve seen in years. It had a couple of cool action scenes, but otherwise it was just constant infodumps.

Now playing

Most of the music for Brütal Legend was licensed, but Lita Ford did do an original song for the game, and it’s a headbanger.

Once that’s sorted, all you have to do is dump a 15.5-ounce can of garbanzo bean in a colander, let them drain for a few minutes,

Check out the Harley Quinn cartoon. It’s absolutely brilliant.

Check out the Harley Quinn cartoon. It’s absolutely brilliant.

I’ve known Sharon Osbourne was a piece of shit ever since what she did to Iron Maiden at the Ozzfest 2005 show in Southern California.  This just confirms it further, in my mind.

Hey, it gets cold in Alaska.

That was what I got from that scene too - that she was bemoaning the fact that her body had been surgically mutilated specifically to make her a more efficient killer. She was trying to connect with Banner by pointing out that she, too, had been changed by her experiences into something monstrous, something that

Sure, but there’s also a way to watch scripted content created by actual filmmakers and with professional actors on your phone. Several, in fact: Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO Max, etc. Quibi was looking for a niche that didn’t really exist. It tried to be a middle ground between YouTube and Netflix, but I’m not sure

I still don’t think it would have been successful in the before times. Its core assumption is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how younger generations watch videos. Not to mention it also misunderstood how word of mouth travels in the modern era; it was so DRM’d up that you weren’t even allowed to take