I'm A Different Bird

Sir, this is an Arby’s.

I’m going to go way outside of the box on this one, but if you want a show that has lots of characters with their own secret agendas and constantly challenges your expectations of what heroism means, Young Justice is a great one.

Not every country is moving forward right now. The UK, Hungary, and Brazil are also going in some really scary directions, and I’m sure there’s a lot more.

I don’t really like that POV, but I get that it’s kind of infuriating when people say “OMG this came out of nowhere what bad writing” when it’s exactly what you were expecting to, and saying would, happen.

The strategy was obvious. He didn’t really care much what happened to Sansa. He was trying to build an alliance with the Boltons for his own eventual bid for the throne, and he gave them a bargaining chip that would legitimize their hold on the North. He didn’t expect the return of the Starks to power, and once they

It’s the first three games with enhanced graphics and sound (enhanced to Genesis level) . You can see an example of the enhanced graphics in the screenshot on this article.

Yeah, that’s why Napster was such a big deal.  Because Americans are too terrible with computers to pirate stuff.

Unfortunately, that’s how it is sometimes with toxic, codependent relationships. Jamie and Brienne weren’t ever going to be a thing; Brienne was just Jamie’s rebound. He went crawling back to Cersei because he can’t imagine life without her. Jamie is a tragic hero in a classical sense. His tragic flaw is his

And the Soviets were fighting the Axis same as the Americans were, but the Americans still felt the need to drop a couple of nukes on Japan to send a message to them.

Honestly, I hated the Ronda/Becky Twitter beef. Becky held up her end just fine, but Ronda openly calling the storyline and Becky’s moves fake gave me bad WCW 2000 flashbacks.

The good guys are all smarmy assholes and the bad guys are all ineffectual losers. Like, imagine the MCU if every hero was Tony Stark and every bad guy was the one dude who no one remembers from Civil War. That’s modern WWE.

IIRC, Chris Kreski was laughed at for putting together and using some pretty standard TV writing tools (a continuity bible, running notes of who had affiliations/rivalries with who, etc.)

For some additional context, I reached out to Deadspin’s Barry Petchesky, who once made it through approximately 25 eggs as part of a Herculean attempt to eat 50 eggs.


IIRC, they weren’t stolen from him. He had actually worked as a composer on Sonic 3, and was going to be credited (and heavily marketed) as such until the whole pedo scandal broke.

The only real answer I can think of is that this film is for very little kids, and so literally nothing matters, ‘just shove in whatever, they can’t tell the difference.’

SPOILERS - but then, this is the spoilers thread, you knew that

Cody said in an interview recently that he’s been on a “hoss hunt” to fill that perceived hole in the AEW roster. Luke would absolutely be a perfect fit.

Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should.

I could see this done with corn.  For my tastes, I’d want something a bit meatier, though, so mushrooms would definitely be a good choice.