I'm A Different Bird

I like using Cafe Bustelo instant espresso for this kind of thing.

I have no trouble with tripe. My grandma introuduced me to the joys of menudo (she was Hungarian, but these are the things you pick up living in southern California).  But liver... I have never eaten liver and not tasted pure sadness.

Those edge pans are unitaskers. I use a mini loaf pan instead.

If you really want to punch your cocktail sauce up a bit, use this stuff as your base instead of ketchup.

Are they planning any expansion characters?  Because I’m just saying, a Giana with two different movesets for Cute and Punk modes would be awesome...

It’s a retro-style brawler.  It doesn’t need to sell millions to make a profit, and if the number of recent indie entries in the genre are any indication, there’s at least a niche market for them.

Super Metroid is much better about it; as the author pointed out, it’s really good about showing you where you need to go without making you realize it.  And once you get the Power Bombs, that helps a lot, since they can reveal most of the secrets on the current screen.

I actually did manage Metroid back in the day (and I think I was around 8 myself). I always had a knack for finding my way around video games, and my brother and our friends would always have me guide them around.

30% is not a controlling interest.  I mean, I own shares of my employer, but if I were to walk in to my boss’s office and demand he change the terms of my employment contract, I’d be laughed out of the building.

Maybe he is already watching the stuff he likes, and doesn’t care about their original programming?

AFAIK, the number of shows that still show ads when you’re on the ad-free plan is in the single-digits, and even those only show a pre-roll and post-roll (no ad breaks during the program).  From what I understand, it’s due to contractual obligations from before they rolled out the ad-free plan.

So basically, Mastodon is to Twitter what Diaspora is to Facebook?

A taco macaroni casserole... I love this.

Fox only owns the movie rights. Marvel still owns the television rights.

I know this isn’t about restaurant burgers, but I actually quite like the veggie party at Dennys. I usually order a hypocrite burger (veggie burger with cheese and bacon) when I eat there, and it's always nice.

A Game Grumps LP and a Steam Train LP... Arin will be glad to know you guys don’t hate them after all.

This seems like it could be useful for HTPC users, to wrap up some of the HTML5 TV apps in an easy-to-launch package. I may have to play with it a little.

I agree, he should have. But Gunn’s lack of CYA skills aside, it’s a bunch of tasteless (and obvious) jokes from years ago. It’s kind of bullshit that he should get fired over them today, and doubly bullshit that it should happen at the instigation of people who say just as terrible things today, and completely

There was also a SNES game that used it.  Spider-Man/X-Men: Arcade’s Revenge.  One of the better LJN games, actually, but it was balls-to-the-wall hard.