I'm A Different Bird

Shankar tells IndieWire, “Apu is not even a stereotype. The stereotype of Indians is we’re doctors, we’re smart people, leaders in tech, the CEO of Microsoft, CEO of Google...[Apu] is an inaccurate, fabricated archetype that was created by The Simpsons and carved into the American conscientiousness through blunt

I mean, Costco pizza is good. Probably in the upper echelon of chain pizzas. But I wouldn’t call it “THE BEST GOD DAMNED PIZZA IN THE UNIVERSE”, unless, perhaps, I hadn’t eaten anything else for the last 3 days.

So, is it possible to hack that Fire 10 and install Play Services, or even custom roms, on the thing? I’ve heard rumblings of Amazon cracking down on that kind of thing...

So, is it possible to hack that Fire 10 and install Play Services, or even custom roms, on the thing? I’ve heard

I can’t be the only one who sees all this furor and thinks of this:

I’ve found they can be quite helpful with muscle and nerve pain (at least, in my personal experience). The problem is, many will try to sell you on their services as a cure all for everything.

It’s an educational toy that teaches kids really basic robotics and mechanical engineering. If that doesn’t fill a need for you, that’s fine. Not everything is for you.

They did tweak things for the movie. He’s not shown doing morphine, but he does seem to feel pain, and they give him some sort of ill-defined healing powers, I think? I seem to remember him curing Sarah’s mother of a heroin overdose shortly after he forces one of the thugs to OD himself. Also, they introduce the

I’d probably put Captain America: The First Avenger into this genre as well. It has a lot of fun pulpy goodness to it, and it’s from the same director as The Rocketeer.

A lot of CDs have been coming in cardboard cases with a plastic insert to hold the CD in place. They are way more durable than the old jewel cases.

If your work quality sucked bad enough, you might get fired, but you would still get paid for the time you worked. Under no circumstances would your boss be allowed to dock your pay because he felt your work was not up to snuff.

If the service sucks so bad you would consider not tipping, you better have a chat with the manager about it. They deserve to know if their server is not pulling their weight.

You realize that the context of the game is a tournament, not just random fights in the street (despite the name), right?

I wouldn’t even say to him. Bison is the kind of villain who revels in being evil. He has no illusions of what he represents. Dude even split off the good part of his soul because he thought it was holding him back.

Not really, though. That kind of assumes that any contest must have a good side and an evil side.

I wanted to think that we were better than that.

I couldn’t disagree more. Personally, I’m less upset that I lost an election, and more upset that I live in the kind of country that would elect a guy like Trump. I thought Romney was a clueless, out-of-touch old rich guy, but I wouldn’t have been as distressed having him as a president as I am having this incompetent

You might look into Shadowrun Anarchy. It’s meant to be a rules-lite way to dive into the same kind of narrative.

Since this just got an upvote, I thought I’d revisit it and point out that Youtube did, in fact, finally stop offering me PewDiePie videos. Not sure when they fixed it, but things I say I’m not interested in actually stay gone now.

I get that, but the question remains, what do they gain from running this?

Cool. Maybe I’ll pick it up in the Steam summer sale now.