I'm A Different Bird

Thank you for putting this article out. So much of this has been swept under the rug by so many people, and the truth needs to be out about this. Moolah was not some hero of gender equality, she was a user and a pimp. WWE should treat her the way they treat Benoit.

You’re making my point for me. We already spend more than everyone else in the world on healthcare, and we have mediocre outcomes at best. A well designed system would get us better results for less money.

It honestly wouldn’t be that hard. Our healthcare spending per capita is several times more than any other industrialized country; hell, even if you just count the public expenditures, and leave private out completely, we still spend more than most. A well-designed system would actually save money.

Nope. Same number of commercials (in fact, possibly more to make up for the lower per-commercial revenue), just with lower-rent sponsors.

Well, the whole premise of Kimmel’s talk about his child’s medical problems was that, since he’s rich, he was able to pay for his kid’s medical care, but he shudders to think of what would happen if he were middle class. He wants everyone to have access to the same standard of care that his money buys him and his

Personally, I don’t usually carry cash. And I’m not handing anybody my debit card.

Totally agreed. It may not have resonated with ‘90s culture, and their desire for grimdark superheroes and general rebellious attitudes, but it was still awesome.

No chiles at all?

This doesn’t just apply to “sharing economy” services, either. If you’re doing a survey rating your customer service on a call or anything similar, many companies regard anything less than the highest score as a failure or a “development opportunity”. If you’re satisfied, give the best score possible, end of story.

A crock pot is also about $50, but nobody would call you an elitist for having one or using it.

Are we really at the point where “access to a grocery store” is considered a luxury for the elite that makes one out-of-touch with the working man? Seriously?

Pretty much everything in this other than duck fat is easily found in most working-class kitchens, and as this recipe points out, you can easily substitute butter.

Have you tried shocking them in an ice bath after you take them out? That helps.

I just recently started flying Southwest, and they’re pretty fantastic, IMHO. They’re usually in the same price range as other carriers, and they’re the last US carrier that includes checked bags in their base price. Sure, you give up assigned seating and power outlets in the seat, but those have never been

I’m most definitely not going to deep fry them again, but I often pan fry or bake leftover fries. A toaster oven is ideal for the latter.

I don’t know, it seems like more of a Stephanie thing than a general McMahon thing. I mean, Vince McMahon has pissed his pants on worldwide television.

Because WWE’s director fucking loves quick camera cuts for some reason. The cinematography of WWE has really gone downhill the last few years.

/r/squaredcircle is probably the best community for wrestling fans out there, with relatively little of the nonsense that plagues a lot of wrestling discussion forums

If he wanted a big payday, he could have had it at any time. Dude just wanted to be able to run his business under his name.

It speaks to both. Sure, the cops being poorly trained and/or corrupt is the most direct part of the problem, but that doesn’t let the scumbucket siccing the cops on somebody knowing full well what could happen off the hook.