You’re right, of course. And as soon as you provide a game to test with, I’m sure they’ll be happy to do so. So get on that.
You’re right, of course. And as soon as you provide a game to test with, I’m sure they’ll be happy to do so. So get on that.
I often talk to myself in order to help process things. It is kind of awkward sometimes, but it really helps.
Curt Schilling is a dickhead.
And a wrestler.
In the Chick-Fil-A version, they wait until marriage.
He cited his sources and didn’t lift verbiage without attribution, so no, it’s not.
I don’t care how stupid the rule is
You know what’s a *really* bad idea?
They could try doing something other than “set the whole thing on fire and complain that Obama made it so goddamn flammable”.
I don’t believe that, and the reason I don’t is Sega. If they can allow so much blatant infringement of the Sonic trademark and still keep it, then clearly affirmative defense is meaningless.
Nah, they bring him back super-quick from it and then make noise about what a superhuman monster he is.
I think people really overdo how bad Shaq Fu is. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s not particularly good, but it’s not even on the same plane as shit like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I mean, it’s not even the worst fighter of the 16 bit era (that dubious honor would go to Rise of the Robots, IMHO).
The guy is paranoid, narcissistic, and probably borderline schizophrenic. I’m not surprised the courts sided with the mom (even if she isn’t much better).
Wrestling is real; it’s reality that’s fake.
We are talking about the justice system, not the revenge system. While we may say that an execution is just for a particularly heinous crime (and many might not, but that’s an argument for another time), if only to completely remove the possibility of recidivism, there is no justice in needless suffering. To wish…
The thing is that Scientology isn’t really comparable to Islam. Scientology isn’t a broad religion that counts a number of different factions, congregations, and philosophies among its members, it’s one gigantic, horrifying cult organization that has done terrible things. Scientology has more in common with ISIS than…
Steak with bourbon onions is a go-to. Works well with any half-decent cut, from sirloin to filet. I’m also a fan of chicken and forty cloves.
So you’d punch your SO and you only date people who own Apple products?
The difference is, once a project is out, it’s out. There are no take backs in the internet age, no matter how many C&Ds are sent. You can stop the original developers from distributing the project, but what’s already out there will continue to live on, through Bittorrent if nothing else. Just look at AM2R for proof…