I'm A Different Bird

No reason for them to hold out for that. Pence is just as capable of giving them a nutter justice.

Regardless, those people do exist. I had a high school friend who joined the military, not because it was his only option, but because it was a family tradition. Possibly, under President Trump, he might decide to break tradition.

* gets to last boss of Ninja Gaiden (the NES one)

It took them something like 8 versions to show capital letters on the keys when you went into shift mode. Does anything surprise you anymore?

The thing is, it hasn’t been litigated in the past. Every lawsuit brought about it was either settled out of court or dismissed on a technicality. So your question is loaded, and arises from false premises.

Boing Boing previously posted about YouTube user William Forsche, who had the forethought to bring a tape recorder to the movie theater back when he was a kid in order to capture the audience’s reaction to the original Star Wars.

That and WWF Wrestlefest were infuriating in that regard.

There’s a local dairy here that has their products in the area supermarkets, that uses big, thick glass bottles and charges a deposit on them so that they are returned for reuse. That approach has its problems (for example, if everyone did it, the deposits would probably take up half my paycheck), but it’s definitely

This shit is why I don’t play MOBAs.

Good luck with that

“But you can’t support the troops and be for national health care; that’s illegal in this country. You’re either right or you’re left, buddy”

They wouldn’t. Clinton isn’t an idiot who screams racist and fascist things to appease an audience of assholes.

I did! Only because I learned that from wrestling though.

Tempting. I’ve been wanting something to replace my aging Nexus 10. I know Amazon uses their own Fire OS, but can Google Play be hacked onto one of these, or the ROM flashed over with something more standard Android?

Tempting. I’ve been wanting something to replace my aging Nexus 10. I know Amazon uses their own Fire OS, but can

Nope. All the pictures I’ve seen are US and Canadian coins (usually pennies, but sometimes higher denominations).

Trump is the lesser of two evils.


Trump actually likes America and wants to see us all succeed.

Ha ha.

Clinton is divisive. She prefers to point out our differences and pit groups of people against each other.

In support of the guy who openly refers to his critics as “enemies”. Hahahahahahahahahahaha.

Trump[...] has

Usually when reading recipes, T = tablespoon and t = teaspoon.

their poop