I'm A Different Bird

Meanwhile, PC gamers will never get to try them for any price. Fuck you, WB.

The X-Files gave us Mulder and Scully Meet the Were-Monster. That alone was worth the price of admission.

I’m not sure I’d count Benihana as a “casual dining” restaurant. Teppanyaki tends to be rather involved to be “casual dining”, in my book.

Superhot is probably the best game I’ve ever backed. I’m really happy with how it turned out.

I hate when people make long tutorial videos to explain something when a paragraph of text would do. Especially when I’m at work and can’t watch videos.

It’s funny... every election, I tell myself I’ll watch the debates on both sides so I can make a well-informed decision, and every election, I stop doing that about halfway through the first Republican debate. I hate to be a total partisan, but the Republicans seem to get more and more clownshoes as time goes on.

I submit that they are assholes regardless of whether they knew or not.

So, which video game did he play that made him do that?

Museums are also great options. They’re usually inexpensive, and sometimes even free, and you can spend a whole day at one just enjoying the scenery. Plus, it makes you look cultured.

Instant mashed potato flakes are another great option.

First World countries have safe drinking water. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the water tastes good. And if it doesn’t taste good in a glass, it won’t taste good in a pizza crust, or in a beer.

I gave up on that a while ago. Pay your highest price, *and* beta test for you? No thanks.

So, if I already have the Windows 8 Hulu app installed on my Windows 10 box, will it update to the Win10 version automatically? Or will I need to download it again?

Just did last Tuesday. Worked absolutely fine.

HID Macros can apparently bind your macros to a particular device (I. E. To just your 10-key pad, leaving your keyboard normal). Looks pretty awesome.

The funny thing is, it was actually less funny than last week’s X-Files.

There are plenty of cultures that call it “soccer” or some variant thereof. Being a snob for either name is just silly.

I don’t know if I agree with that anymore. It used to be true, but my x220 hasn’t really taken the beating my previous ThinkPads have as well as they did.

Most US megamarts I’ve been to have at least iceberg, green leaf, red leaf, and romaine. And even if all you can get is iceberg, it might be worth it just to have an iceberg salad rather than risk food-borne illness.