... whereas in one of the more obvious parallels, the equestrian sports (you need plenty of strength to ride in the Grand National), men and women compete on an equal basis.
... whereas in one of the more obvious parallels, the equestrian sports (you need plenty of strength to ride in the Grand National), men and women compete on an equal basis.
Pretty sure your non-point applies to [at least] 75% of male F1 champions.
well now you know at least :) Was it a foundation from The Ordinary? They label all their foundations with the undertone. If you’ve not tried them, they’re excellent quality & an amazing price (although I’m not sure they go dark enough for everyone but hopefully they’re working on that...)
It’s entirely possible you’re quite neutral but could still have a leaning one way or another. I’m a neutral-cool but I have decided preference for cooler toned foundations as I think the others look ‘urgh! yellow!’.
Those Mac assistants sound exceptionally shitty. Ironic from a brand that markets itself as ‘all ages all races all sexes’.
check out Nars Mont Blanc or The Ordinary. The Ordinary Shades come super pale. I’m a Mont Blanc or a 1.2P (p for pink).
what i want to know is, what do the Russians get out of this???
I think they’re trolling?
let’s just call it what it is... pop.
I think maybe ‘offending’ rather than ‘insulting’. We don’t have any evidence that she intended to insult him.
blue white male lives. duh!
white men shut up and listen?
i don’t think it would be his...
well jesus h christ the alternative is treating women as if they were human beings!!!!
noooo just build them a nice island somewhere and give them all the guns
Trump is a good American Christian.
must be inflammation from the syphilis then
I hope you responded by asking him for a “loan”.
What about Daddy Vladdy?