I’ve been shopping for volts recently, check this out! http://gm-volt.com/forum/showthread.php?135018-The-Volt-ebago-Car-camping-made-easy
I’ve been shopping for volts recently, check this out! http://gm-volt.com/forum/showthread.php?135018-The-Volt-ebago-Car-camping-made-easy
There’s one where I’m at and they literally laughed at me when I applied for a 7k secured loan while trying to build credit history. Laughed.. So opening an account with the one in my area is not an option. This was a few years ago so I’m past it now.
This is great, when I star a comment in this post the star count goes down. I am entertained.
My thought was what about people who don’t have legs or are otherwise unable to remove it themselves to “return” it.
Is this republished because of a new blog category? I remember digging this up a few weeks ago to show someone and now here I see it again posted as new.
I hate to break it to you but those sidebar widgets were removed in a windows update several years ago because they had an unfixable vulnerability. Your computer is very old and very out of date. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2719662 That’s the MS article on the vulnerability.