
@OMG! Ponies!: The problem is not that they're advertising its that they're going to try the same thing again that lead them to chapter 11... repeating failures is not going to improve their business. They need a new idea, and a better service, not a repeat of a single differentiating factor that the public has

@d1zzle: So many people that if they all responded the internet would cave in on itself, hence BB being in this position in the first place.

@aec007: A picture really is worth 1,000 words...

@Johnathan Timmons: one more thought and then I'll shut the hell up... hardware spec differences are really the core of the fragmentation... the fact that a first gen iphone, even though it can't run iOS 4, can still run MOST new apps just as well as an iPhone 4 (I have both for testing and yes that's the real world,

@Johnathan Timmons: I develop for both, I can tell you the fragmentation issues from a development perspective are night and day different on each platform.

@CubemonkeyNYC: We still don't know what causes most cancers. x-rays however are a proven factor. x-rays used to be used to key kids try on shoes, the parents and shoe fitter could see the kids feet inside the shoe in real time, great! only TONS of people died as a result... I for one don't want to be on the top of

This would be a LOT more funny if there hadn't been so many leaks of scans that they shouldn't be holding in the first place... more joke less truth disguised as joke next time please.

@epitomic: While I too love your use of the term "mollycoddled", I disagree with the implied assertion that fragmentation is anywhere near as large a factor on iOS devices. As a developer for both I can say Android fragmentation (os and hardware revision differences) compared to iOS is DRASTICALLY different. A simple

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Have you seen a watch recently? Even ladies watches are like strapping a brick to your wrist... Having "dainty" wrists myself I'm not a fan. These don't seem any worse that any standard watches I've seen recently, and the the draw of being a big enough nerd to wear one is quite high...

@Serolf Divad: We'd only waste it again given the chance... Don't know why they bothered when facebook just gives it all away anyway...

@Stem_Sell: You mean "Mao"chael Douglas? He's been in since the start...

@The5thElephant: For me the crux of the issue is that they don't provide any reasonable security, they are, in their current state, at best a violation of personal rights, and at worst dangerous. If they're going to get this sensor technology to a point where it actually improves our lives by providing some level of

@OMG! Ponies!: There's a difference between being a dick, and sticking up for yourself. I make a point to never take out my frustrations on the "receptionist" as it were. It's just a bad idea and means you're a jerk. However I'm not too keen on getting blasted with x-rays of any sort (radiologists wear lead aprons for

Note to self: get rich enough that this kind of thing counts as a bet because money is too trivial to think about any more...

The best thing about Facebook being the new basis for the "real" world is that it's so much easier to say off the grid... just never sign up... of course it's still just as hard to get OFF the grid... seriously try to cancel your facebook account, it takes a google search, more confirmations than I can count and NO

@Seventhexile Speaks: I fully support drinking heavily, as long as it's for science. And everyone enjoys lolcats...

@minjin: Just a couple response thoughts

@tomsomething: The whole century and all the works contain therein.

@Mister Cow: While I agree that USB as a plug standard is pretty great, and 3.0 should be plenty for the average user. Here's 2 little things to mull on (just tossing it out there).