You need permission for this? I thought that was what smart phones and a lock on the bathroom door were for.
You need permission for this? I thought that was what smart phones and a lock on the bathroom door were for.
You're welcome. :-)
Makes sense. Charlie is just Kelso, all grown up. And smarter. And with better clothes.
So, if I'm not at all interested in seeing this movie I'm anti-female?
I'm Nonna. That is grandmother, in Italian.
Toilet paper must go over. What are you people, cretins?
Lying comes pretty easy to the Palin family, doesn't it?
I know this is true because when people bitch to me about MY reading of Harry Potter, I totes turn into Bellatrix and Crucio their ass.
I think a relationship that endured for twenty-five years is one that lasted. Just because it didn't last forever doesn't mean the quarter of a century doesn't count.
Uh, yea.....No. The very thought of an entire evening of what a "network" thinks is female-friendly is enough to make my ovaries shrivel.
If only it had been that easy during the 2008 primary season.
All I see is half of an apple.
One thing I regret is that I never got a high school class ring. We were really poor and although I worked, my paychecks went to my mom for things like rent and food.
As a 7th generation Kentuckian I would like to apologize to everyone.
Just don't put it in tequila. That's my 'fuck me now' drink, which pretty much takes care of the 'makes me happy' part, too. No point in overdoing it.
Does it come in a bottle of vodka? No?
Weird. Usually John has to pay $500 bucks to be spanked.
Thank you.
Thank you.