Thank goodness. Because the first thing I thought when I saw the wedding photos was "Geez, that girl is fat."
Thank goodness. Because the first thing I thought when I saw the wedding photos was "Geez, that girl is fat."
Makes sense, since Kate's dress was a knock-off of Princess Grace' gown.
Personally, I find the "what do you want me to do next" question, right in the middle of sex, a little annoying, too. Oh, we're having a test? Someone should have told me. I forgot to study.
I occasionally visit a member's only nudist campgrounds in this area and when people who aren't nudist find out, they're really shocked. Usually there's an "isn't that a codeword for orgy" type question. No one ever really believes me when I say that at 45, I'm usually one of the youngest people there and trust me,…
I can't help but feel really really sad for these people. That's what their lives are like, that they need this kind of thing to be . . . I don't know - happy? It's just sad.
This is what happens when you let Jim Cantore name your children.
I don't coupon anymore because my kids are grown and I live by myself. It just doesn't seem worth it. But when I was buying groceries and housestuffs for a family, it was worth spending a couple of hours a week and watching sales. I regularly saved at least $25/week on what I bought.
Whew. When I saw the headline, I thought they were remaking "Funny Girl."
I wasn't bothered so much by K&S taking on this case - they're lawyers and lawyers sometimes get paid for defending unsavory clients. What bothered me was that sneaky little clause in the contract barring the rest of the K&S employees from working against the law, too.
So, when WoW is sued to force it to start screening for sex offenders, do they check the real name or the Avatar's name?
Isn't she ON a reality show? Or did she get voted off? I don't watch, obvs.
Pro: When you get bored, you can just fake it and end the phone call faster.
It's the best of both worlds, really. I had my babies. And now I have their babies.
For me, no babies means not having to rush home after work to get to daycare. Egg sandwiches for dinner every night, if I want. Or, stopping somewhere for dinner. Or, nothing for dinner, if I want. It means money spent on books or body lotions instead of diapers and formula. It means not having to buy school…
Can someone just make her shut up?
I think Daniel Craig has the magnetism and sex appeal, but not the look of Roarke, you know?
No, you don't have to "take him at his word." He's not trying to pull something over on you. HIS CERTIFICATE WAS RELEASED!!! There's nothing to hide. There's no reason not to just say, "Yes. I believe he was born in the United States."
That's why I get really nervous when I hear someone talk about doing a movie or TV movie of this series. I can't think of anyone who could be Roarke and I'm damned if I want some casting agent to fuck it up.
Christine Feehan's "Dark" series. They're not vampires, they're Carpathians. And all hawt. And the sex is pretty good.
I really hope they're going to screen both male and female signees. Because men aren't the only sexual predators out there.