Ima B. Me

I absolutely agree that God did not intend different races to have sex with each other.

Do those boots come in adult sizes? Love 'em.

So, no bridal registry?

"Duuuude....You don't fuck with Jeanine Edwards." Billy Gillispie

@DuckyChan: Oh, I love Ben Stiller! Must have more Ben Stiller movies!

Another name for my not-interested-in-any-movie-starring..... Aniston. Heigl. Cyrus. I guess that's a good thing. Johnny Knox and Jean-Claude Van Damme were getting lonely.

And everyone said those "Where's Waldo" books were useless . . . .

I would like one of those sequined cowboy hats, but with a Kentucky Wildcats patch. Santa obviously got us mixed up.

@weirdette: I would like to apply to drive your getaway car! Or hold the matches.

I would also like to know how Kato Kaelin got to Nambia, and into a photo with Angelina Jolie.

mmmmm, George........

This makes total sense.

This is why my sex fantasies only involve fuzzy handcuffs and water pistols.

Look, all I want to know is if cavemen played with baby dinosaurs. Fuck the teeth. Just answer the question.

Anyone who wants to stop AnistHeigl from making movies is alright with me.

One of the few things I miss about living in Baltimore is the snowball stands. We just don't have those in Nashville.

At this very moment, some creative person is frantically working on sequined diapers.

@jeanieg88: I didn't see that at all. I saw a beautiful story, very well acted by Firth, about a man having to grieve in private because the world he lived in considered him invisible.