You know what this really means? I can wear my copycat Diana ring again and people will recognize it!
You know what this really means? I can wear my copycat Diana ring again and people will recognize it!
To hell with Rupert. Did she say where she got her boots?
@la.donna.pietra: Maybe if it were the Patriots . . . .
@MorboKat: I have nothing that I wear every day. Except that navel ring. That includes my wedding rings, when I was married. I would come home, take them off and put them in my ring bowl until the next morning.
It's a tradition never to take off a gift of jewelry? So, subsequent gifts are just piled on to the first gift until we all look like gypsies wearing every piece we own?
Somebody's publicist deserves a raise.
Cue the countdown for the Heir and the Spare, in one....two....
Beautiful people in coffins and they don't sparkle. What the hell kind of game are they playing?!
@SunnyBunnyDays: Thanks.
@thePrototype: Yea, you did. That's what that 'vanilla' slam was all about. It was a word chosen intentionally to be patronizing, as if we were a group of girls who should have stuck to our tea and crumpets.
@thePrototype: There are different flavors of vanilla, sweetheart, and I resent the implication that I'm a prude because I was disgusted by this location.
I've been to a sex club in this area, and it almost caused me to stop having sex altogether. It's been six years and I still have nightmarish flashbacks, and I was just there for a bachelorette party and not to participate in the downstairs activities.
What's she going to do....turn over her black book to the Enquirer?
@Nightwriter: Absolutely! If you're going to flunk, you should at least have fun with it.
I'm waiting for schools to go to the O.W.L. grading scale.
@Helen Skor: That's what I call him. My cool little dude.
Zena called. She wants you to stay the hell out of her closet.
@MelissaMahoney: Movements sometimes take time to catch on. :-)
@R-V: Woot, one more!