Ima B. Me

Eh. I read almost anything but Stephen King, but if I were to be judged on the last 7 books I've read, people would think I was 12. I always re-read the Harry Potter series before the new movie comes out, so those are the books that have kept me occupied for the last few weeks.

Woa. For a minute there I thought I was looking at a Love Boat has-beens reunion.

@Imelda_the_Hun: Have you seen "Lost in Austen"? They really took a lot of liberties with the storyline, but one of the more amusing changes was that Caroline Bingley was a closet lesbian.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that if you mess with my Jane Austen, I will cut a bitch.

Don't mind me...I'm just here for the Christine O'Donnell jokes.

@ChoirGrrl: Which is the best part of being single. :-)

I'm not in love with anyone. I go out with whomever I want, I have sex with whomever I want. I'm clear to every partner that it is just sex, nothing else, and he or she isn't the only one with whom I'm having sex.

It's sad that these women have to "rely on faith" because they can't rely on their lying, cheating, scumbag husbands.

@carriout: The price of gold chains is ruining New Jersey!

@candyphobia: Well, yea. Zombie apocalypse trumps all.

I've never understood why diamonds are considered 'investments.' Have you ever tried to resell a diamond? Pennies on the dollar, based on what you paid retail.

@OnTheLevel: Every photo of Violet Affleck seems to show a normal, average little girl. Not a movie star in the making.

@Dunny0: If I can get my own Keanu, sign me up. :-)

Is there a cliff-notes version to explain what Second Life is?

Photos like this make me appreciate the job Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are doing.

@happysquid: Oh, God I hope not. I'm more of a Charles Barkley person. *lol*

This is why I stick to Pepsi.

So this means I can call up that Lillian chick who stole my grilled cheese sandwich in 2nd grade? I've been waiting for an apology ever since.

I thought you Taylor Swift'd songs by writing the lyrics in sparkly purple ink with hearts over the I's. No?