Ima B. Me

What happens if you only discover your prehomosexuality posthomosexual behavior? Are you predestined to be posthomosexual if you predate the prehomosexuality prehysteria? And if you have a preponderance of preternatural hypersexual beings on preglued posters on a prepainted wall, what does that mean?

Good Food

Bonnie Blue Butler died recently, too.

You know what? It probably is hell. And she didn't ask for it, she was drafted into it.

@KalamataInterrobang: I'm in Nashville. That's close enough for me to visit my family in Kentucky but far enough away that they don't visit me! :-)

@miss_sassy_pants: Thanks! At 45, I'm outside the usual age demographic for Jezebel but I'm still here. :-)

@miss_sassy_pants: I didn't know there was a Nashville group, so probably not. Link, pretty please!

Oh, maaaan.....I miss all the good stuff living in Nashville.

Whoa. I thought that was a casting call for a new Battlestar Galactica movie.

And in breaking news: The sun will rise tomorrow in the East. Warn your friends!

I heart Stephen Fry.

As a 45-year old women who dates men and women in my own age group, I can provide evidence of the above.

Whoa. I thought that was Meg Ryan.

As you know, I'm the most judgment-free human being on the Earth.

The only information I have about any of these shows is what I read here. And sadly, even that is too much.

The Gayz, the latest in red carpet accessories.

You had me at "Taylor Swift sings her boring song...."

I've figured out who she reminds me of.

In Palin's defense, when I look at her the last thing I want to do is masturbate, too.

@Miz X: So the fact that "that woman really does exist" means that she's worth less as a life partner than the Ivy League-educated attorney type?