Ima B. Me

@Miz X: It was a very poor rhetorical device. She could have made her point without being offensive or elitist.

@MsAvignon: I thought the same. If she's looking for a reason for not getting more dates, I think I've found it.

A real-world-hot 28-year-old receptionist on her fourth job in three years, who lives with two roommates in a fifth-floor walkup in some outer borough, aspires to someday have a job that gives her either free shoes or health insurance, and only sounds like an idiot when she speaks out loud.

And the difference between this and those awful little canine costumes people insist on dressing dogs in is . . . . ?

I knew those Tagalongs tasted funny!

One of the great regrets of my life is that with my coloring, I can't wear bright, clear red lipstick.

"The Expendables" was one of the worst movies I've seen in the past few years.

@hurfdurf: I've lost a friend over that, too. Once I decided to stop being her brick wall, she went somewhere else. But she's still bouncing back and forth over her loser, so I guess I'm well out of it.

And somewhere, one of her friends - who has spent the last however long listening in person to the weeping and wailing of this woman - is banging her head against a wall, knowing she's (the friend) going to have to listen to all of the same shit, all over again, when the relationship inevitably goes back to hell.

It takes a vapid guy to play a vapid president.

So basically, Katie is Suri's lifesized Barbie doll.

Irresponsible use of the word 'rape' to describe any type of physical assault or trauma leads to the devaluation of that word and it's very real physical and mental effects.

Never underestimate the power of money on good health and good looks.

I've been rethinking marriage for years.

From a friend of mine:

Damn that horse! He told me he didn't French kiss on the first date!

Damn that horse! He told me he didn't French kiss on the first date!

Can't a man just be mine-trapped in peace? Huh? Huh?

Cute. Cuter without that too-adult smear of blush.

Thank God they got rid of that awful sunburst rug. It was like looking at an epileptic fit.